Kitchen Porter

Position: Kitchen PorterLocation: Rochestown Lodge Hotel, Dún Laoghaire, County DublinRochestown Lodge Hotel are currently recruiting for a Kitchen Porter to join the teamThe HotelRochestown Lodge Hotel is ideally located on the fringe of Dun Laoghaire town and short distance to Dublin city centre. The modern three star hotel offers 900 spacious guest rooms, bar restaurant and a selection of meeting rooms. Facilities in the hotel include a 15 metre deck level swimming pool, gym and Spa.The RoleYou will have the opportunity to work as part of enthusiastic kitchen team. You will demonstrate a positive attitude and flexible approach to work, and have the ability to communicate openly and effectively. You will ideally have prior experience in the same or similar role, an excellent command of the English language and familiar with HACCP. The highest standards of hygiene are crucial to this role.Duties included in the role are:Ensure basic cleaning jobs are carried out as quickly as possible.Collect and wash up pots and pans.Clean food preparation areas and equipment, in addition to crockery and cutlery.Unload food and equipment deliveries.Keep the storeroom organised.Keep work surfaces, walls and floors clean and sanitised.The nature of our industry means that this role will include a variety of shift & weekend work.Why Work With Us?We are a team of talented professionals who work well together and we are a fun team to work with. We want you to be happy and enjoy coming to work with us by providing every individual with the support and training required.Just some of the benefits of working in our hotel;Excellent Hotel staff rates across Ireland, UK & Continental EuropeDiscounted Health InsuranceStaff MealsFriends & Family rates availableCanteen facilitiesFree Car ParkingExtensive in-house trainingFun working environmentExcellent company with great opportunities for progression in Irish owned companyCareer growth opportunities within PREM Group, one of Ireland's largest Hotel management companiesHow to ApplyIf you are interested in this position and would like to apply, please forward your CV through this website. We look forward to hearing from you!This is a great opportunity to join a hotel that is managed by PREM Group, one of Europe's leading hotel management company's. #progresswithPREM

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