Kitchen Assistant - Macroom

CareChoice is one of Ireland's leading residential homes for the older person. We provide dedicated care, and a safe and welcoming home for all our Residents. Our ethos is to create a home from home for our clients, where they can live life to the full with support and respect, whilst enjoying building relationships with all our staff.We are now looking for an experienced and reliable Kitchen / Chef Assistant, in our Macroom home, to provide excellent standards of cleaning for our clients. This is an excellent opportunity to develop your skills within our organisation.Responsibilities and DutiesAssisting the Chefs, you will be responsible for food prep, cleaning and ensuring HAACP standards are complied with at all times. A knowledge of textured diets is an advantage, you will need to become familiar with special dietary needs of residents and work in line with care plans.The successful candidate will have previous experience working in a busy kitchen and providing a variety of nutritious meals to individuals with different nutritional needs.Experience cooking hot meals i.e joints, soups, potatoes etc. Experience on a carvery would help.Experience with home baking.Ideally the successful candidate will have a recognized qualification in food preparation and presentation.Previous experience in a nursing home preferred but not essential.He/She will hold an up to date HACCP qualification and a genuine interest in cooking.He/She will be passionate about elder care.What we offer:Comprehensive induction trainingFree Garda VettingA rewarding working environment, with support from supervisors and managersCompetitive rates of paySubsidised mealsTraining & Development opportunitiesEmployee Assistance Programme which offers advice and counselling services, for carers and their immediate familiesFree healthcare uniform - one tunic paid for per year by CareChoiceAdditional annual leave for years of serviceAnnual loyalty bonus - this is based on years of serviceRefer a friend bonusFree parkingJob Types: Full Time, Fixed Term

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