Kitchen Assistant

The Stables Café at Mount Congreve Gardens are currently recruiting for a dedicated and reliable kitchen assistant to support the chefs in our well esteemed establishment with ingredient preparation as well as perform all washing and cleaning duties required in the kitchen. To be successful as a kitchen assistant, you should exercise exceptional time management and ensure that all duties are completed in a timely manner. Ultimately, an outstanding Kitchen Assistant should be able to comply with all food health and safety regulations.Responsibilities:Assist in the preparation of ingredients under the supervision of the head chef or sous chef.Maintain cleanliness and hygiene standards in the kitchen area, including washing dishes, sanitizing surfaces, and disposing of waste.Help with basic cooking tasks, such as chopping vegetables, assembling dishes, and operating kitchen equipment.Stock inventory and notify supervisors of any shortages or discrepancies.Follow all safety protocols and regulations, including proper food handling procedures and adherence to health and safety guidelines.Requirements:Previous experience working in a kitchen environment is preferred but not essential.Basic knowledge of food safety and hygiene practices.Ability to work in a fast-paced environment and collaborate effectively with team members.Strong attention to detail and organizational skills.Flexibility to work evenings, weekends, and holidays as required.

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