Kickstart Your Future ( Co-op Placement 2025 )

Are you an enthusiastic and driven student seeking hands-on experience in the professional world? Rockwell invites applications from students for our engaging internship and co-op placement opportunities across various departments. This is your chance to immerse yourself in real-world projects and gain valuable insights to develop both academically and professionally.Why Intern with Rockwell?A co-op experience at Rockwell offers unique opportunities for students entering the workforce. We are a long-established engineering company with specialists in the design, fabrication, installation and maintenance of HVAC and utility pipework for large-scale, complex biopharma facilities in Ireland and beyond.It's not just about textbooks and theories here; it's real world work that will shape your career and set you apart in your chosen field. The skills and knowledge you will gain are beyond valuable, and the network you will build is on that could open doors for years to come.The collaborative environment fosters creativity and pushes the boundaries of what's possible. Additionally, the mentorship you'll receive from seasoned professionals is unparalleled, providing you with insights and guidance that go beyond the classroom. don't just take our word for it - see for yourself and apply now!Programme Overview:As an intern or co-op participant at Rockwell, you will be an integral part of our dynamic team. Embrace the opportunity to apply classroom knowledge to practical projects, collaborate with experienced professionals, and explore your interests in different business areas.Key Responsibilities:Contribute actively to departmental projects and initiatives.Gain hands-on experience tailored to your area of interest.Collaborate with cross-functional teams to solve real-world challenges.Provide fresh perspectives and innovative solutions.Receive mentorship for professional and personal growth.Requirements:Currently pursuing a degree in a relevant field.Strong academic performance and a passion for your chosen area.Excellent communication and teamwork skills.Adaptability to a dynamic work environment.Eagerness to learn and contribute to diverse projects.Rockwell is an equal opportunities employer

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