Kickstart Your Future ( 2025 Graduate Programme )

Are you a recent or upcoming graduate ready to launch your career in a dynamic and diverse environment? Rockwell is excited to welcome applications from talented graduates. Join us in our 2025 Graduate Programme, where you'll have the opportunity to explore and contribute to various business functions and be an integral part of the Rockwell team!Why choose Rockwell? Our Graduate Development Programmes are designed to empower you to make meaningful contributions right from the start of your career. This programme offers a structured path, immersing you in key phases of our dynamic projects. The duration of each assignment adapts to project progress, ensuring you get the best learning experience and start to your career.Rockwell are a long-established engineering company with specialists in the design, fabrication, installation and maintenance of HVAC and utility pipework for large-scale, complex biopharma facilities in Ireland and beyond.Programme Overview:Our 2025 graduate roles are designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to the corporate world. Develop your skills, take on responsibilities in different areas, and establish a strong foundation for a successful career with Rockwell Engineering.Key Requirements:Recent or upcoming graduate with a degree in a relevant field.Demonstrated passion and interest in your chosen field.Strong communication and collaboration skills.Adaptability to a dynamic and evolving work environment.Eagerness to learn and contribute to diverse projects.Why join Rockwell?We provide a competitive salary that reflects your experience and qualifications. You will also have the chance to work in a vibrant and supportive setting, collaborating with experts in the field and making a positive impact on the environment. Our company prioritises work-life balance and supports your professional growth through training opportunities.Rockwell is an equal opportunities employer

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