Junior Sales Executive

Our Client, a Canadian IT Consulting company establishing a presence in the Irish market, is seeking to recruit a Sales Manager to drive their sales function.PurposeAs a Junior Sales Executive, you will play a crucial role in driving sales and revenue growth by engaging with potential clients, understanding their needs, and presenting innovative digital solutions. You will be responsible for initiating and building relationships with prospective new customers. This role requires a self-motivated and results-oriented individual, with a track record of meeting and exceeding targets. Roles and Responsibilities·        Research prospective clients in order to identify opportunities to communicate and in order to customise messaging·        Generate leads through various channels, including cold calling, email outreach, and social media·        Identify decision-makers and establish contact with them·        Conduct product presentations to prospective clients·        Collaborate with senior sales professionals to manage the sales cycle from prospecting to closure·        Build and maintain strong relationships with clients to understand their needs·        Maintain a high level of client service and client relationships, ensuring customer satisfaction·        Work closely with internal teams, including marketing and product development, to ensure a cohesive and integrated approach to client solutions·        Work towards and exceed monthly and quarterly sales targets.Ensuring all relevant administration relating to each client has been actioned and updated in our CRM system·        Prepare regular sales reports and updates for management·        Other duties as requiredRequirements·        Bachelor's degree in Business, Marketing, or a related field, relevant work experience will be considered·        1 – 2 years’ sales experience·        Familiarity with digital solutions and technology trends is advantageous·        Enthusiasm for speaking to new people and experience identifying leads·        Strong communication and presentation skills·        Results-driven with a focus on exceeding sales targets

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