Trainee Duty Manager

A fantastic opportunity to join the team at Mount Wolseley Hotel, Spa & Golf Resort as Duty Manager. This role reports directly into the Operations Manager.This is an amazing opportunity to progress in a highly experienced management team with extensive on the job mentoring and additional external training provided as part of a clear progression plan for the right candidate.  Mount Wolseley Hotel in Carlow. is beautifully situated in the tranquil countryside of County Carlow, just one hour from Dublin City, the Mount Wolseley Luxury 4 * Golf & Spa Resort Hotel is an exquisite location for both business and pleasure.Standing on its own 18-Hole Championship Golf Course and featuring a Sanctuary Spa, Leisure Club Facilities including 20m Indoor Pool, The Mount Wolseley Hotel near Dublin offers luxury hotel accommodation in Carlow which matches an elegant, chic interior with ultra-modern amenities and impeccable service.Main Duties• This is a hands-on role working as part of the overall team, reporting to the Food & Beverage Manager• To give our guests excellent service across all outlets within the hotel• Assisting with rostering and team management• Ensuring SOPs are updated, and all team members are fully trained• Handling complaints and prompt follow upDesired Qualifications & Experience• Food and Beverage experience in a similar environment• Demonstrate excellent people management skills with experience of managing large teams of staff• Have a passion for food and service and the ability to innovate in this area• Have strong organizational and time management skills with a high degree of flexibility• Be commercially focused• Have problem solving skills and be confident and assertiveEmployee Benefits:Meals on dutyOpportunities for development and career progressionEmployee Assistance ProgramEmployee Recognition AwardsTeam Member Accommodation & F&B discounts in Windward Management propertiesComplimentary parking

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