IT/Application Support Engineer

Benefits:Company contributed pensionPrivate Health InsuranceEducational assistance programmeDevelopment opportunities Vitalograph is a family business with a global reach. We design and manufacture respiratory diagnostic devices, software, and consumables for healthcare professionals, for over 50 years, and serve customers in over 100 countries. We are the go-to people for respiratory diagnostics. Based in Ennis, Co. Clare we now wish to recruit a Technical Support Specialist to join the 2nd Level Technical Support team. Reporting to the Technical Support Manager the IT/Application Support Engineer will be required to co-ordinate and investigate hardware and software issues for Instruments used as part of the company’s healthcare and Clinical Trial portfolio. The role is primarily office-based in Ennis, Co. Clare, but flexibility for global travel is essential to support partners and their customers in health care settings. Annual travel time would be estimated to be a maximum of 10-15% tailing off after the initial years.The role provides second level support to Vitalograph’s partners first level support services, through training, troubleshooting, end-customer support and installation assistance. This role primarily focusses on support for the medical software application and connection to third party Electronic Medical Record systems (EMR/PHR/PMR) such as Cerner and EPIC.  Responsibilities as an IT/Application Support Engineer:Develops training programs for Vitalograph personnel and partners on software installation and implementation. Provides telephone support to Vitalograph’s partners via telephone, email and MS Teams/meeting software.Remotely troubleshoot customer IT issues in combination with partner support staff.Assist partners in completing cybersecurity analyses and forms.Assist partners service teams in initial software installations and network connections in customer locations.Handle customer complaints on software and connectivity through the ISO13485 certified QMS performing root cause analyses and developing preventative and corrective actions.In conjunction with the service delivery team, prepare software installation manuals.Requirements as an IT/Application Support Engineer: Degree / Diploma in computer science or equivalent IT qualification.Excellent understanding of Microsoft Windows operating systems. Installation, configuration and troubleshooting.A good working knowledge of LAN connectivity (wired / Wi-Fi) and troubleshooting of same DNS, DHCP, IP Addressing etc.Experience with the installation and troubleshooting of generic Windows desktop Applications.Experience with running queries on SQL database logs to aid with issue identification Knowledge of SQL commands and/or MS SQL Server management StudioExcellent working knowledge of desktop PC hardware Ability to confidently replace components if/when required as part of a troubleshooting process.Good working attitude and flexible.Good communication skills, both written and verbal with a demonstrated ability to deliver service training courses.The ability to deliver technical information to non-technical people is important.Innovative and with determination to handle problems through to the solution end.Excellent documentation skills essential to maintaining appropriate knowledge base. Records for issues and solutions.Able to work independently as well as part of a wider team.  The following would be advantageous:Experience in medical IT equipment would be an advantage  

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