IT Technician (Nights)

ABP UK is a major division of the ABP Food Group with factories in Ireland, UK and Europe, ABP`s commitment to excellence impacts on every aspect of its business. Our teams of experienced and reliable meat experts are passionate about building lasting partnerships in the European retail, manufacturing and food service sectors.Our customers are the major multiples and high profile caterers and require the best 365 days of the year. That means central packing and sophisticated distribution, a revolutionary supply chain in the industry which is being led and developed by ABP. Only well-resourced companies can compete for such business.We want the best people to work for us and we know that a supportive and friendly working environment plays a key role in attracting and retaining employees. We promote the sharing of knowledge and invest strongly in training and development.Role Definition:Responsible for effective and efficient support, installation and monitoring of all desktop and bespoke IT activities on site, working within defined timescales and targets. Accountable for continuous improvements / evaluation on all quality systems, making recommendations for change and providing guidance to all employees, ensuring that business objectives are met. Key responsibilities:Understanding departmental constraints and using own initiative to take corrective action where necessary.Ensuring that team members have adequate information to perform their duties correctly.Continuously monitor and evaluate current systems and procedures, identifying areas for improvement and make recommendation for change.Produce/assess/monitor and accurate reports required by other departments/management.Liaising with the appropriate supporting departments such as HR, Training, QA, Health & Safety and Production to ensure that staff and production issues are dealt with correctly and efficiently.Asset recording, tracking and management of I.T hardware.Ensure data backups are correctly processed for D.R. eventuality.Manage and maintain accurate records of installed software relating to the site for legal licensing purposes in accordance with ABP Policy.Manage the disposal of obsolete or broken I.T. hardware via appropriate service provider in accordance with ABP Policy.Maintain and manage the factory database ensuring that legal obligations are not impaired.Maintain and manage site servers to ensure maximum availability and efficiency.Maintain and manage the telephone system, updating contact details and numbers. Liaise with system provider where necessary to rectify problems.Provision and installation of new hardware and software.Assist where required in project work initiated by Group IT.Understand all factory processes and requirements from intake to dispatch.Keep your work area clean and free from debris, spillages and contamination free at all times. Carry out cleaning as you go.Report all health & safety, food hygiene issues to your Line Leader or Supervisor immediately.When lifting any objects, maintain and ensure that correct techniques are employed to present personal injury or injury to others. If unsure, seek assistance.Use, clean and maintain the working order of all equipment. Report any faults you are unable to rectify to your manager.Maintain excellent personal hygiene at all times.Adhere to all Health & Safety and food hygiene standards at all times.To perform any other tasks and duties as requested by your manager.Willingness and flexibility to perform other tasks and duties as assigned by your manager.Consider working reasonable overtime as requested by your manager.Attend training courses that are relevant and appropriate to your tasks and duties, as requested by your manager.Understand all factory processes and requirements from intake to dispatch.Keep your work area clean and free from debris, spillages and contamination free at all times. Carry out cleaning as you go.Report all health & safety, food hygiene issues to your Line Leader or Supervisor immediately.When lifting any objects, maintain and ensure that correct techniques are employed to present personal injury or injury to others. If unsure, seek assistance.Use, clean and maintain the working order of all equipment. Report any faults you are unable to rectify to your manager.Maintain excellent personal hygiene at all times.Adhere to all Health & Safety and food hygiene standards at all times.To perform any other tasks and duties as requested by your manager.Willingness and flexibility to perform other tasks and duties as assigned by your manager.Consider working reasonable overtime as requested by your manager.Attend training courses that are relevant and appropriate to your tasks and duties, as requested by your manager.

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