IT Technician

Job Title: IT TechnicianLocation: ABP Burradon, with Travel to ABP WessexHours of Work:40 plus flexibility to ensure ongoing operational delivery and business requests are satisfied in line with agreed targets.Reporting to:Digital Services ManagerRole Definition:As the IT Technician you will support the site users of factory and office systems whilst ensuring the smooth running of all IT services within the site.You will contribute to the development of the local IT needs for each site with leadership and direction given by the Digital Services Manager and the Birmingham Support Office IT Team.Key Responsibilities:•Responsible for maintaining the smooth running and operation of local IT Services and minimising production down time by use of preventative measures•Provide support and delivery of change/projects to ABP York, ABP Burradon and ABP Wessex Foods•Responsible for providing support of production traceability systems and their components; label printers, weighing scales, touchscreens, visual inspection, bar-code scanning, network infrastructure•Responsible for the day-to-day support of IT Services and ensure that the sites have in place a secure and resilient infrastructure•Responsible for managing the life cycle of all site IT assets, delivery to destruction.•Support all IT hardware, software, and production-based systems within a very fast-paced and constantly changing environment•Management of Backup, Antivirus, Proxy, Monitoring and Patching•Contribute to developing and testing disaster recovery plans in line with business policy•Maintain a list of issues and ensure that they are managed and cleared in a timely manner using our internal management systems and processes•Installing and testing operating systems and software applications as advised by the ABP Wessex IT Manager•Commissioning of desktop, laptop and mobile devices•Out of hours supportRole Success factors:Trust & Respect: Everyone is valued, treat people with dignity and respect and promote diversity and inclusion. Know the Purpose: Understand the how and why to ensure all colleagues have sight of the bigger picture and contribute to business objectives. Own it: Take responsibility for how we deliver our work and ensure we focus on solutions and make responsible decisions. Passion for Excellence: Be your best self and always strive to be better or help others be better by championing continuous improvement. Inspires Others: Be a role model by helping and inspiring others wherever possible and by leading by example. Personal specification•You will be proactive, dynamic, motivational, collaborative and able to deliver results in a constantly changing environment•A team player with ability to be self-sufficient, you will possess strong planning and organisational skills along with the ability to be adaptable/ flexible to changing business demands•Experience with networking principles including switch/router configuration and cabling•Qualifications in ITIL v3 or 4 are desirabl•Experience with Microsoft 365 and productivity tools suite•Proven IT support background of a minimum 2 years•Deliver digital transformation initiatives•High level of analytical and technical skill is required, which must be demonstrable through experience of introducing IT Services•Pragmatic•Experienced with Active Directory tools•Proven interpersonal skills, credible and the ability to influence others

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