IT Systems Administrator (Part-Time)

Vitalograph, a leading global medical devices company specialising in respiratory and heart monitoring equipment and services. We are currently seeking a part-time (up to 20 hours per week) IT Systems Administrator to support the IT infrastructure and applications in our Buckingham office – and to also form part of the larger global IT organisation.Reporting to the Service Desk Supervisor, the successful candidate will join a world class IT support team, providing level 1 / level 2 support to our IT infrastructure, systems, and applications in Buckingham and occasionally to other global sites (as required). This is an exciting opportunity to join a dynamic and fast paced global IT team as it embarks a new phase of expansion. The ideal candidate will have relevant experience in end-user IT support including desktop/laptop hardware, desktop operating systems (MS Windows), end user applications, basic LAN configuration and troubleshooting, Wi-Fi configuration, anti-virus / end point encryption tools. Responsibilities as an IT Systems Administrator:Work effectively as part of a local IT team in Buckingham and as part of the larger global IT team across the Group.Participate in a local on-call rota as required by business needs.Take ownership of the resolution of individual issues – as assigned.Deliver excellent customer service to our employees. Requirements as an IT Systems Administrator:Minimum 3 years relevant IT support experience preferably gained in a dynamic business environment.A 3rd level qualification in a relevant field would be desirableExperience supporting and troubleshooting windows-based applications in a corporate network environment.Practical knowledge of generic PC’s, PC interfaces, LAN/WAN technologies and current Microsoft desktop and server operating systems.Excellent problem-solving skills, with strong technical and analytic capabilities.A high attention to detail is critical, especially when recording and reporting information as this role is based in a highly regulated industry.A good team player with a strong work ethic, yet capable of working on their own initiative given the opportunity.Displays a sense of urgency with a proactive and innovative attitude.Excellent all-round communication, presentation, and interpersonal skills Experience of the following would be desirable but not essential:Desktop / Laptop troubleshooting on both hardware and softwareBasic understanding of the principles of network and server configuration.Basic Office 365 administration.An understanding of VMware ESXi administration. 

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