IT Systems Administrator

Who we are:Part of the DCC Group, Flogas Ireland was established in 1978 supplying Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) throughout the island and to this day remains one of the leading suppliers in Ireland, servicing a diverse range of market sectors, including commercial, agricultural, and domestic.Over the years, Flogas has evolved and grown as a business and is now also a leading supplier of Natural Gas and Electricity in both residential and commercial markets. We have an esteemed reputation within the Energy Industry and have been awarded the NSAI Quality System Certificate from the I.S. EN ISO 9001 SeriesFlogas head office is based in Drogheda, Louth and over the past number of years, we acquired two more businesses - Budget Energy, based in Derry and Flogas Enterprise, based in Dublin. As a Flogas Group, we are now driving our growth strategy to achieve our vision of being Irelands leading provider of total energy solutions, meeting our customers changing needs and delivering to the highest possible standard. Why work with us?Flogas is a well-established business within the DCC group and is continuing to grow, becoming a top provider in the energy sector, making it a very exciting time to be part of the Flogas Group. We offer a warm and welcoming environment, valuing our people and their input into the business. We encourage a collaborative workplace, where everyone feels included and heard.Benefits:Competitive SalaryHealthcarePension scheme Staff discountsHealth and Wellbeing SupportsLearning and DevelopmentCareer Advancement is important to us in Flogas. All our roles are advertised internally, and we encourage internal progression right across the business. About the role:Flogas have an exciting opportunity for a IT System Administrator to join our IT Team based in our office in Dublin city centre on a Permanent contract. The Flogas IT department encompasses a wide range of platforms and technologies which ensure the successful applicant will have an interesting role. Main areas of responsibilities:Provide technical support for both hardware and software issues our users encounterManage the configuration and operation of client-based computer operating systemsMonitor the system daily and respond immediately to security or usability concernsRespond to and resolve help desk requestAdministration of server, network and web and to manage the day to day uptime and performanceMonitoring and deploying patches and upgrades to operating systems and applicationsComplete daily IT Standard Security checksParticipation in projects to rollout new client solutionsAdditional duties as required Candidate Profile: Education and experience:Minimum of 2 year in a similar roleExtensive experience in Active Directory, Office 365 and IAMWorking knowledge of common security frameworksNetworking knowledge Role specific skills: A candidate with the right attitude is more important than their experience. Strong technical and analytical skills with demonstrated ability to analyse and troubleshoot problems and to bring to successful conclusionCustomer focusedStrong interpersonal and communication skillsTeam player with capability to work independently, proactively and to take initiative when needed.Strong quality orientation and strong attention to detail. Flogas is an equal opportunity employer. We encourage diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees.

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