IT OT Analyst

NeoDyne is a leading Irish and UK Industrial Automation and Electrical Engineering company. Our B2B customer base extends to over 300 companies with turnover predominantly from large multinationals in pharma, high-end food and beverage manufacturing and energy sectors. The company is 25+ years old and employs over 210 talented automation, electrical and IT engineers across offices in Dublin, Cork, Galway, Waterford, and Chesterfield, UK.We are recruiting for an IT OT Analyst (5+ years' experience) to work on leading-edge automation based projects, predominantly in the Energy, Life Science and Food & Beverage sectors. A background in GAMP 5 and experience with Rockwell ThinManager would be an advantage.This role is offered as a fixed-term position, based out of Cork, with an excellent salary and benefits package. Responsibilities/ Duties·       Standard Alignment: Manage the application lifecycle roadmap for ThinClient solution used across manufacturing sites, including licence, patch and Vendor management, planning and implementing upgrades and ensuring compliance with defined standards for client hardware.·       Proactive Developments: Assess and deliver new capabilities for ThinClient solution based on business requirements e.g. access control, mobility.·       Manage Technical Delivery: Oversee IT projects and technologies in the Operational Technology (OT) area for manufacturing plants, ensuring disaster recovery processes and solutions are in place for critical IT services. ·       Project Partnership:  Collaborate with the cross-functional teams (CTO, IT Security, Automation) to ensure: ·       All aspects of security of Manufacturing systems are implemented and maintained.·       Alignment on System Platform application and technical configuration.·       Alignment with Manufacturing IT and OT standards.·       Vendor Coordination: Resolve IT/OT application issues by coordinating with third-party vendors.·       Compliance Assurance: Ensure technical compliance with IT/OT standards for infrastructure and manufacturing applications. Qualifications/ Skills/ ExperienceEssential Skills·       Manufacturing IT Expertise: Strong technical expertise in IT infrastructure and networking within manufacturing environments, such as Operating Systems, Networks, Active Directory, end user devices, handheld devices.·       Shop Floor Systems Knowledge: Experience with manufacturing systems and technologies like PLCs, SCADA, HMIs, and Rockwell technologies.·       Expert : BCP and Disaster recovery processes and solutions ·       Database Proficiency: Working knowledge of database technologies (e.g., MS SQL).·       Project Management Skills: Excellent ability to execute projects and deliver on commitments.·       Stakeholder Management: Strong skills in engaging and managing stakeholders at all levels. Candidate must have the ability to work effectively in virtual teams across global locations and manage third-party vendors.·       Communication Skills: Excellent verbal and written communication, including presentation skills.·       Analytical Skills: Strong attention to detail and analytical abilities.·       Experience Requirement: Minimum of 5 years in IT infrastructure and project delivery within manufacturing settings.Desired Skills:·       Rockwell Suite Proficiency: Experience with ThinManager, Thin Clients PLC’s, SCADA, HMIs etc.·       Industry Standards Knowledge: Familiarity with ISA 95/ISA 62443 and related standards. CharacteristicsWe look for candidates who·       Work well as part of a team.·       Have excellent problem solving and diagnostic skills.·       Can complete tasks independently, capable of self-learning.·       Can prioritise and coordinate work.·       Have excellent customer service, interpersonal, communication and organisational skills.·       Can multitask and work well under pressure.·       Are a strategic business thinker. Package/ Benefits·       Competitive starting salary with year-on-year bonuses and salary increases.·       Paid Overtime·       PRSA pension with employer contribution·       Health Insurance·       Income Protection·       Life Assurance·       Flexible WorkingDon’t miss this opportunity to join a company at the forefront of industrial automation projects in Ireland, the UK and Europe. Apply now!NeoDyne Ltd is an equal opportunity employer, and all applications will be treated in strictest confidence.

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