IT Engineer - Level 1

RBK is one of Irelands leading business advisory and accountancy firms. With over 60 years of experience providing professional advisory services to a range of clients in the mid to large corporate market in Ireland, our extensive client base is served from offices in Dublin, Athlone and Roscommon. In addition to our core accounting and business advisory services, the Firm also provides innovation Technology Solutions to clients nationwide.This role primarily focuses on providing basic IT support to the business & its clients.  It is a trainee/graduate opportunity with full training provided.Roles & Responsibility:·      Provide support to analyse, evaluate and troubleshoot issues with desktops, laptops, servers and applications.·      Resolve tickets and ensure they are completed within SLA's.·      Administer the Helpdesk Ticketing System/Mailbox & answering Helpdesk phone calls, texts, tickets and chats.·      Maintain IT Inventory & Perform IT Hardware Upgrades.·      Assist the Senior Engineering Team with Level 1 Basic Support.·      Attend Weekly Team Meetings. ·      Monitor system alerts and be proactive in remediation of issues.·      Support senior engineers on projects.·      Fully document all troubleshooting steps and create knowledge base articles of resolutions.·      Support and management of multi-function devices.·      Maintaining strong client relationships and delivering excellent customer service.·      Problem solving and good decision making is an essential part of this role. Essential Skills & Target Profile·      Experience beneficial but not necessary as training will be provided.·      Dependable and flexible, ability to work independently as well as part of a team. ·      Ability to multi-task in a time-sensitive and deadline-driven work environment.·      Detail orientated with excellent communication skills.·      Adaptable and flexible to changing work environment.·      Demonstrated ability to quickly grasp and evaluate new systems/products.·      Ability to follow & document procedures to the highest standard.·      Position based in Athlone Headquarters- Attend the Dublin/Roscommon Offices when required.·      Problem solving and good decision making is an essential part of this role.·      Candidate will require driver license with own transportation. 

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