iOS Software Engineer

For our client a medical device company developing diagnostic wearables for the hospital and home market, we are looking for iOS Senior Developers to join the Team in the Warsaw office.  iOS Software Engineerplace of work: Warsaw The main scope of duties:You will be involved in the entire design process, such as discussing requirements with our team, writing specifications, conceptual and detailed designing, qualification and finally releasing for production. Creating great mobile apps that integrate with cloud services.Engaging in the full product development lifecycle from ideation through delivery and support.Working within a fast-moving team to develop crisp designs, create great code, and bring products to market quickly.Leading the development and implementation of key new enhancements.Helping us to continually evolve our processes and designs to build a competitive advantage.Creating mock-ups and prototypes to express ideas and gather feedback.Sharing your thoughts and ideas freely and constructively, but also listening well to others.Creating best-of-breed mobile apps for iOS devices and smartwatches.Key requirements: 3+ years experience as an iOS developer, designing and implementing software solutions. Ability to drive the development forward and being able to translate business requirements into pragmatic solutions.A solid history of constantly improving your own knowledge and skills as well as improving processes for your organization.Proficiency with git when collaborating on codebases.Writing code that follows SOLID principles, platform-specific conventions and common design patterns.Skilled in securing data in transit and at rest using a variety of encryption techniques.Knowledge of Scrum and/or Kanban.Fluent spoken and written English Language. Strong affinity towards electronicsPassionate & motivated What we offer: Perfect environment for people willing to take full responsibility in a project. Professional growth opportunities. A dynamic teamwork culture.A chance to join a new team in Poland/Warsaw. The salary that grows with your performance. 

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