Inventory System Specialist

About the Hermitage Clinic The Hermitage Medical Clinic is a private hospital providing a full range of medical and surgical care across a broad spectrum of specialities. Hermitage Clinic is a successful private hospital operating in a very competitive marketplace. Obtaining best practice in our inventory management is critical to our ongoing success and future development of the hospital. The Inventory Specialist is responsible for the integration and implementation of Genesis across the Hospital. While this role is focused on Inventory, it is expected that this employee demonstrates managerial and leadership skills and collaborate effectively with Supply chain and colleagues across all departments of the hospital. About the RoleThe Hermitage Clinic is a private hospital providing a full range of medical and surgical care across a broad spectrum of specialities. The clinic has 39 consultant suites occupied by leading practitioners across a wide range of disciplines. Our clinical specialities include surgery, medicine, endoscopy, oncology and interventional diagnostics. The Inventory Specialist and Supply chain has the responsibility to ensure the effective management of stock levels across all clinical and non-clinical areas of the hospital and is important in making a significant contribution, developing and maintaining best practice in supply chain services. This includes the provision of the highest level of safety and regulatory compliance.Duties will include Operations-         To enable seamless integration and implementation of the system across the Hospital (existing and future implementation)-         To ensure all Inventory and Point of Care systems related SOPs are in place and followed through-         To ensure stock level information is accurate at any point of time and aligned with other systems-         To liaise closely with Procurement Manager to ensure Inventories KPIs are met and action plans in place in case of discrepancies identified-         To liaise closely with Clinical /Nursing Team in Theatre to ensure POC inventories are met action plans in place in case of discrepancies identified-         To analyse the data and actively work on the actions to close the issues, maintain and improve the service-         To provide monthly operational reports on all KPIs (Clinical, Financial and Supply Chain) from the system/business intelligence data-         To ensure appropriate Consignment Stock Management in place -         To be the main point of Contact for the system queries/issues with all internal and external stakeholders-         To ensure stock/inventory information are aligned with procedures spend in Theatre and Cath Lab -         To deputise Procurement Manager when on a period of absences or annual leave -         Maintain product and inventory related master data -         Performance of regular stock counts and related variance accounting. People Management -         To deputise Procurement and Supply Chain Manager when on a period of absences or annual leave  Learning and Education·        Provide professional and personal development opportunities for all staff working with the relevant Learning and Education specialists to develop an appropriate programme of learning and education based on a planned (individual, department and organisation) training needs assessment.·        Maintain accurate records of all study leave and education resources used. ·        Develop and implement an enhanced staff competence assessment relevant to the Department. ·        Facilitate study days and leave, in accordance with the HMC Study Leave Policy and within budgeted allowances. Quality Improvement, Risk Management & Health & Safety ·        Develop a culture of safety, promoting positive reporting of incidents and near misses; investigate and take remedial action on incidents or near misses involving patients and staff according to hospital policies, protocols and guidelines.·        Ensure that there is compliance with all relevant Hermitage Clinic guidelines, policies, procedures and relevant legislation and regulatory requirements. This includes responsibility for dealing with regulatory or professional bodies and inspections. ·        Encourage continuous review and evaluation of policies, guidelines and existing practices through regular audit programmes and review engaging with the multi-disciplinary team where required.·        Promote a culture of continuous quality improvement across the department involving the team in continuous improvement initiatives and encouraging innovation. ·        Set and monitor core objectives, standards and key performance indicators for the service and monitor performance against these standards through internal and (where applicable) external audit.·        Lead out on the requirements of the hospitals accreditation process.·        Participate fully in the requirement of the hospital’s risk management programme.·        Work with members of the team in devising Standard Operating Procedures for the development of the Department.·        Provide leadership in proactively addressing ethical and quality of service issues with multidisciplinary team members and hospital management. Essential Requirements·        Knowledge of Inventory systems ·        5+ years relevant experience in Supply Chain·        Relevant third level qualification ·        Experience operating in a complex, fast paced environment·    Healthcare / Hospital experience  Why work with usThe Hermitage Clinic are passionate about our people and believe in their development and growth. As a member of the Hermitage Clinic team you can benefit from: Competitive salaryAn Education Support ProgrammeDevelopment opportunitiesOpportunities for career progressionAccess to a Pension SchemeSubsidised RestaurantFree staff car parkingEmployee Assistance ProgrammeLife AssuranceThe Hermitage Clinic is an Equal Opportunities Employer with a strong commitment to diversity, inclusion and equality at all levels of the organisation. If you require assistance due to a disability during the recruitment process, please email

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