Inventory Controller

PharmacyStore is an Irish-owned community pharmacy group with 5 stores, over 60 employees and strong ambitions to continue to grow. We are situated in the local communities we serve and understand the importance of what we deliver to our customers and their families. Our Inventory Controller reporting to the Duty Manager is a key member of our Retail team and has the responsibility for maintaining the online business, monitoring, and controlling stock levels. The responsibilities of this role will evolve to adapt to the needs of the organisation. Specific Responsibilities: Ensuring good customer service by addressing and ensuring the timely resolution of customer issues or queries Maintain and update the inventory database and ensure accurate stock levels are reflected  Implement and monitor stock rotation practices to ensure that products with expiration dates are appropriately managed to prevent product wastage. Maintain optimal stock levels to meet customer demand while minimizing excess stock that could lead to overstock situations. Maintain good stock control by ensuring to check deliveries against invoices, report any discrepancies and all paperwork is kept up to date on Inship. Keep accurate records of inventory transactions, including receipts, issues, and adjustments. Conduct regular and accurate physical counts of inventory to ensure alignment with recorded stock levels without disrupting normal operations. Investigate and reconcile any discrepancies between physical counts and recorded inventory levels, taking corrective actions as needed.  Collaborating with the Buyer to reduce and maintain a low level of dead stock while also ensuring timely ordering and replenishment of inventory items based on demand forecasts and stock levels. Work closely with suppliers to optimize lead times, order quantities, and overall supply chain efficiency. Identify and manage obsolete or slow-moving inventory, implementing strategies to minimize financial impact. Leverage inventory management systems and technology tools to streamline tracking, automate processes, and enhance accuracy. Implement ABC analysis to categorize items based on their importance, helping prioritize attention and resources to critical inventory items. Ensure compliance with regulatory standards, especially regarding the handling and storage of pharmaceutical and healthcare-related inventory. Identify opportunities for process improvements within inventory control procedures, aiming for increased efficiency and accuracy. Provide training to staff involved in inventory control processes to enhance skills and adherence to procedures.  Skills and Experience Required: Strong Microsoft Office experience Excellent communication and organisational skills Meticulous attention to detail Strong analytical and problem-solving skills Initiative-taker Customer focused   Benefits: Bike to work scheme  Pension Scheme   Paid Maternity Leave Employee discount  On-site parking 

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