Internal Sales Rep, Insulation

Specialist Insulation Division, M50 Business Park, Ballymount Avenue, Dublin 12, D12 T4C2, part of the HPC Group, Irelands’ leading supplier to the construction industry is looking for a full-time, Permanent Internal Sales Rep, Insulation to join our Team. Job Purpose: To deal with incoming sales calls, process sales orders and enquiries. Dealing with customers at the trade counter and offering sales and product/technical advice and assistance to customers. Dealing with suppliers in relation to product information and specification.Duties and Responsibilities:·       Interaction with customers, colleagues and suppliers in relation to product and specification requirements.·       Cash sale counter sales.·       Dealing with phone and counter enquiries.·       Working within a fast-paced dynamic sales environment, you will be the customers first point of contact, ensuring an excellent level of customer care and attention to detail.·       Efficient and timely customer responses.·       Process incoming sales orders and quotation requests.·       Co-ordinating the purchasing and transport functions to ensure complete order processing.·       Maintain orderly records of all quotations and orders received via phone or email.·       Support the external sales team with quotations, monitoring targets, credit collections and samples as required.·       Sales invoicing, customer price management.·       Completion of cash sale processes.·       Scanning and filing duties in relation to completed sales orders, weekly reports.·       Quotation and project files up to date and in order.·       Ability to cross sell our product range to customers. Skills and Requirements:·       Experience of an internal sales or sales administration environment, preferably in the construction industry.·       Positive attitude.·       Self-motivated, with an ability to work as part of the internal sales team and individually to meet sales targets.·       Strong organisational, communication and interpersonal skills.·       Ability to develop working relationships internally and with the wider network.·       Engage with suppliers in relation to product, technical and support enquiries.·       Sales order input accuracy.·       IT Skills, Microsoft Office packages; Excel and Word.·       Technical and sales knowledge of insulation related products an advantage. Benefits:                                                                        ·       Excellent package with commission available to the successful candidate.·       Employee Discount.  Job Type: PermanentHours: 39 hours per week (Monday - Friday)HPC Group is an equal opportunities employer.

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