Internal Sales

TJ O’Mahony Ballymount, Dublin 24, D24 X39K, part of HPC Sales Ltd., Ireland's leading Builders Providers and Home Improvement/DIY Store, is looking for a Permanent, Full-Time, Internal Sales to join our Team.Job Purpose: Internal SalesDuties and Responsibilities:It will involve ensuring the smooth handling of product-administration, queries, invoicing, price modification, communications and other service issues as they arrive.Working within a fast-paced dynamic sales environment, you will be the customers first point of contact, ensuring an excellent level of customer care and attention to detailThe role will involve frequent communications with the Manager and other sales people in the various Branches and their team to the continual development of the National Account Strategy.Assisting reps, monitoring targets and credit collections by reps and weekly reportsAssist with all sales enquiries, both face to face and on the phoneMaintaining effective communications with suppliers regarding the sourcing and delivery of all Building materialsSkills and Requirements:Strong attention to detail.Ability to work on own initiative.Team player.Customer-facing Sales Experience Relevant building materials knowledge an advantage.Excellent organisational and interpersonal skills, ability to work in a busy, target driven sales environmentBenefits:                                                                           Excellent Package and Career Progression available to the successful candidate Hours: 39 hours per week (Monday–Friday)Home Project Centre Sales Ltd. is an equal opportunities employer.

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