Intermediate Mechanical Engineer

Join the Exciting World of Building Services Engineering at Baily Garner LLP!Are you ready to take your Mechanical Engineering career to new heights? Baily Garner LLP, a well-established name in the industry, is expanding its Building Services team. We are on the lookout for an Intermediate Mechanical Engineer to join our dynamic crew in Eltham, South East London, with the added flexibility of hybrid working.Why Choose Baily Garner LLP?Our current projects span a thrilling spectrum of blue light, educational, and housing-related endeavors. As an Intermediate Mechanical Engineer, you'll dive into the world of pre and post-contract roles, including the thrilling aspects of design. But that's not all; you'll also have the chance to grow and make your mark.What We're Looking For:The successful candidate should be degree qualified and possess post-graduate experience in a Consultant Environment. Whether you're a budding engineer looking to expand your experience and knowledge or a recently Chartered engineer seeking your next adventure, we want you on our team.What You'll Do:As part of our innovative team, your responsibilities will include:Supporting Senior Engineers in the design and delivery of projects.Crafting designs that comply with regulations and company standards.Collaborating with other design team members to create a seamless, multiskilled experience.Crafting detailed specifications, drawings, and schedules for mechanical services.Providing clear, comprehensive contract information that perfectly conveys design requirements.Conducting site surveys, commissioning, and testing.Assisting in budget estimates, cost planning, tendering procedures, and contract arrangements.Attending project/technical meetings and actively contributing to their success.Managing and executing project work day to day.Our Ideal Candidate:You'll be the perfect fit if you have:A relevant Mechanical Engineering Degree.At least 2 years of post-qualification experience.Associate Membership of IET or CIBSE and/or equivalent competency.What We Offer:At Baily Garner LLP, we don't just offer a job; we offer an exciting journey. You can expect a highly competitive package and excellent career development opportunities.Ready to embark on this adventure with us? Join the Baily Garner LLP team and be a part of something extraordinary in the world of Building Services Engineering. Your next career milestone awaits!Some of our other amazing benefits include:Medicash health planFlexible working hoursProfessional development schemeCompetitive salaryHybrid workingBirthday leaveLife assurance cover for all colleagues (x4 annual salary)Biannual pay reviewsPlease apply with CV and covering letter detailing current salary expectations and why you believe you are suitable for this interesting roleBaily Garner LLP are an equal opportunities employer and positively encourage applications from suitably qualified and eligible candidates regardless of sex, race, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, religion or belief, marital status, or pregnancy and maternity/paternity needs. 

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