Intermediate Electrical Engineer

Exciting Career Opportunity: Intermediate Electrical EngineerJoin the Innovative Building Services Team at Baily Garner LLPAre you a forward-thinking Electrical Engineer ready to take your career to the next level? We're on the lookout for an Intermediate Electrical Engineer to become a vital part of our dynamic team based in Eltham, South East London. At Baily Garner LLP, we are committed to your growth and success, offering a potential for hybrid working to provide you with a flexible and rewarding work environment.About Us:Baily Garner LLP is experiencing continued growth in the Building Services discipline, and we're looking for someone like you to help drive the delivery of mechanical services within our well-established Building Services and Environmental Team in our London Office. You'll have the opportunity to collaborate with our architectural, building, and quantity surveying groups, working on a diverse range of projects throughout their entire life cycle.Projects You'll Work On:Education Sector: Exciting extensions and refurbishments of Primary & Secondary Schools.Commercial Sector: Innovative Office Fit-Outs, Industrial Buildings, and Vehicle Workshops.Residential Sector: Contribution to New Build Residential Developments.Blue Light Sector: Supporting projects in the essential blue light services.Requirements:Qualifications: The successful candidate should hold a degree in Electrical Engineering.Experience: Post-graduate experience in a Consultant Environment is preferred.Professional Growth: We encourage candidates looking to expand their experience and knowledge to the next level with a view to becoming a Chartered Engineer. Alternatively, if you are a recently Chartered Engineer seeking your next career move, we'd like to hear from you.Note: Please be aware that this role requires an enhanced DBS check and police vetting. Baily Garner will assist with these applications once a job offer has been accepted. Additionally, the police vetting process requires a continuous UK residency of at least 3 years, including UK Nationals.Join us at Baily Garner LLP, and let's embark on a rewarding journey of innovation and excellence in the Building Services discipline. Make your mark in the industry with us!Apply today and be a part of our forward-thinking team.We offer a highly competitive package, with excellent career development opportunities.Some of our amazing benefits include:Medicash health planFlexible working hoursProfessional development schemeHybrid workingBirthday leaveLife assurance cover for all colleagues (x4 annual salary)Biannual pay reviewsPlease apply with CV and covering letter detailing current salary expectations and why you believe you are suitable for this interesting roleBaily Garner LLP are an equal opportunities employer and positively encourage applications from suitably qualified and eligible candidates regardless of sex, race, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, religion or belief, marital status, or pregnancy and maternity/paternity needs. 

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