Instrumentation Technician

EPS is seeking motivated individuals to join our Calibration team.  This is a fantastic opportunity to gain onsite practical experience in a dynamic and growing industry. As a member of our calibration team, you will be responsible for calibrating a wide range of instruments used in the water and wastewater industry. This position will cover the Western region.ResponsibilitiesInstallation, calibrating, servicing, fault finding and configuration of a wide range of process instruments & chemical dosing pumps.Issuing service reports and calibration certificates.Fault finding and problem resolution in general.Skills / Attributes2 years experience in a similar role with Instrumentation experience.Calibration requires precision and accuracy. You should have excellent attention to detail .Technical knowledge of instrumentation and chemical dosing would be an advantage.Ability to trouble shoot faults.Good communication skills as you will be interacting with clients and colleagues on a regular basis.Good computer skills.Education RequirementsInstrumentation or an engineering qualification or a certified electrician.Additional RequirementsFull clean driving licence.

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