Instrumentation Technician

We have an exciting opportunity for a number of Instrumentation Technicians to join Suir Engineering Ltd. Here in Suir Engineering we are a leading international provider of innovative Mechanical, Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering Solutions. Our core sectors are Energy, Power and Renewables, Pharma, Food & Beverage, and Data Centres. We provide best in class contracting solutions with in-house, flexible resources capable of delivering a personable and consistent service to our customers. Over the past 40 years we have delivered projects for Irish and multinational clients across the globe. We are currently expanding significantly, and are delivering large scale projects across Ireland, the U.K, Germany, Denmark and Sweden.  We recognise that continued business success depends on our commitment to and development of our people. We are determined to create a diverse and equal workforce and to ensure our company appeals to the best and brightest people. We wish for all employees to realise their full potential and have the opportunity to grow and develop during their career with Suir. We are also working continuously to promote a culture of positive wellbeing through our wellbeing programmes and supports to employees and their families through our Employee Assistance Programme and the Lighthouse Club.  What you will be doing?Responsible for ensuring the proper calibration, maintenance, and regulatory compliance of instrumentation and equipment used in pharmaceutical production and testingCalibrating various instrumentsPerforming maintenance and troubleshootingDocumenting activitiesEnsuring compliance with regulationsAssisting in validationIs this the job for me?Knowledge of pharmaceutical processes and regulationsProficiency in calibration and troubleshootingStrong documentation and communication skillsAbility to work in controlled environmentsExperience in pharmaceutical manufacturing or instrumentation-related roles is typically preferred. In return from Suir Engineering: 21 days annual leave Educational Assistance, CPD, Chartership supports and upskilling opportunities Opportunities for international assignments to work on one of our European projects in Sweden, Denmark, or Germany.  Our way of working is called the Suir Way, designed to help us on a journey of continuous improvement. Our people are empowered to make changes to ensure a quality install through effective ways of working. Our people have a voice and feel empowered. We have an in-built culture of innovation, learning and continuous improvement. Value is delivered every step of the journey. Our efficient processes deliver value. We have a standard, consistent and fully integrated health, safety, environment, and quality system within the business.  Suir Engineering are an equal opportunities employer, we value our greatest asset …. our People.   #LI-LN1

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