Instrumentation Calibration Technician

Instrumentation/Calibration Technician The Role:Hanley Calibration are looking for fixed site Commissioning Calibration Technicians. Duties & Responsibilities:Day to day liaison with the Hanley Calibration Coordinator or Site Lead.Comply with company calibration procedures and site safety polices.Calibration of process, utility and lab Instrumentation.Carry out commissioning calibrations on process control systems, field and analytical instrumentation to the relevant quality, safety and regulatory compliance standards.Carry out fault finding on Instrumentation as requested.Support continuous improvement and promote quality and customer service.Develop strong customer relationships consistent with Hanley Calibration values.Manage and prioritize workload to ensure that assigned activities are completed effectively and on time.Document Calibration activities on CCMS MAXIMO Qualifications, Knowledge and Experience:Time served electrical & Instrumentation (E&I) or Instrumentation (I) qualified or B.Sc. Degree in instrument / electronic engineering or equivalent.+2 years’ experience in the Pharmaceutical and Medical device industry.Able to demonstrate strong customer relationship skills.Working knowledge of all Calibration methods. Key Behaviours:Takes pride in delivery of a quality service.Takes personal accountability, ownership and action to do the right thing.Learns about customer’s challenges, goals and drivers and articulates broad view on how Hanley Calibration solutions can address opportunities. Benefits:Competitive salary.Training & educational support systems.Employee Assistance Program (EAP).Pension SchemeGreen Grants initiative 

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