Instrumentation Apprenticeship

Summary: The is a 4-year (7 Phase) Solas Apprenticeship. Link:; The successful candidate will report to a Service Manager and will be assist a Qualified Calibration Technician in performing routine calibrations on manufacturing equipment, repair & troubleshoot on all process control systems and equipment used in manufacturing, utility plants, warehouse and analytical labs on a Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Facilities in Dublin & neighbouring counties. This role would suit someone who has the ability to work with a team but is also a self-starter.  Key Responsibilities & Training:Provide Instrumentation/Calibration support to Experienced Calibration TechniciansLearn to perform on-site calibrations as per proceduresSupport continuous improvement.Promote quality and customer service.Follow current good manufacturing practices.Learn to calibrate various types of instrumentation including temperature, pressure, level, flow and analytical instrumentsLearn to calibrate instrumentation in a Pharmaceutical or Medical Device manufacturing environment. Education/ Experience Requirements:Full Driving Licence & own transport is essentialMinimum of Leaving certificate with mathematics and physicsVery good English language and communication skills.Competent in the use of PC applications (MS Office or equivalent).Salary and BenefitsCompetitive Salary (supplemented Solas rates)·       An annual bonus,·       5% contributory pension scheme, ·       VHI allowance, ·       Increasing annual leave with service, ·       Education & study support, ·       Death in service insurance,·       Employee Assistance Program, ·       Access to Green Grant Initiative 

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