Instructors Kildare Day Service

Saint John of God Community Services Liffey Services supports individuals with intellectual disabilities to be active participants within the community that they live. Saint John of God Liffey Services invites applications for the position of Instructor in our Day Services based in the Kildare area (Celbridge/ Maynooth/ Leixlip) to provide support to individuals with an intellectual disability. Instructors – Day Services (Kildare)Permanent Full-Time PositionsPost ref: KDINS-MAY2024 The successful candidate must have:·       Relevant third level qualification in Social Care, Education, Training, etc. (QQI Level 6 Major Award or higher)·       Minimum of 1 year working with people with Support Needs, preferably intellectual disability·       Experience in Person Centred Planning·       Experience in Positive Behaviour Supports·       Ideally experience working with people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)·       Enthusiasm, creativity and empathy for working with people across the spectrum of intellectual disabilities.·       Willingness to support individuals in their personal care if require.·       Knowledge of HSE National Policy of Safeguarding Vulnerable Persons.·       A commitment to HSE New Directions Policy.·       The initiative and ability to support individuals with a disability to have valued social roles and become active citizens accessing mainstream services within the local and wider community.·       An awareness and understanding of alternative communication aids and assistive technology.·       Proficient Information, Communication and Technologies (ICT) skills·       Full clean manual driving licence and a willingness to drive as part of role. By applying for these positions you are giving Saint John of God Community CLG. consent to have your personal data stored for the purpose of this competition only.  If you believe you have the necessary enthusiasm, competencies and experience to bring to this role, please apply by forwarding a cover letter and CV (including written explanation for any gaps in employment through the following link   (Please include the post reference number in the subject line of your application – KDINS-MAY2024Applications will be short-listed on the information supplied in the Curriculum Vitae and a panel may be formed from which future vacancies will be filled. Full Job Description available from the Human Resources Department. Informal enquires contact: 087 2486460 087 123 9196 Closing date: 10th May 2024 

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