Insomnia Manager

Junction 14 Mayfield are currently recruiting for the role of Manager in our very busy Insomnia Department.The Purpose of the Managers role is to provide day to day front line management to ensure colleague compliance with all standards as required in the successful running of the department. The Manager will need to be fully familiar all aspects of the Barista’s role including: Dress Code, Hygiene/HACCP Standards, Customer Service Standards, Performance Standards, Health & Safety as well as Roster Awareness. This is a proactive role that must provide for the consistent delivery of a high level of quality and service.An essential part of the role is excellence in communications with all colleagues, supervisors and other managers.Employee Benefits:·         60% Staff Discount·         Employee Rewards Scheme·         Peer Awards Scheme·         Employee Referral Scheme·         Free On-site staff parking·         Excellent Career Progression Opportunities·         Bike to Work Scheme·         Premium pay for work on Sunday·         Premium pay for Night WorkThe Role:As a valued member of our team, you will immerse yourself in our love for all things coffee and make each cup heavenly for all!Between putting a smile on customers faces with your latte art, getting to know your customers, ensuring perfection with every drink made, and making sure that the shop is spick & span, you will become a valued member of the Insomnia family, working with your other coffee lover team mates.ResponsibilitiesAs manager, the role will involve shift work over the busiest days / shifts and will include weekend work.To always maintain the highest standard of cleanliness and service within Insomnia.To be in charge of the staff roster. Focusing on wage cost.Work with the marketing department in order to promote Insomnia.To ensure that margins are maintained as agreed with management and reach targets for the Insomnia department.To ensure all Insomnia staff follows the procedures put in place for J14 Customer Service. To ensure all staff trained in product knowledge and store procedures.To monitor on an ongoing basis staffs attendance, timekeeping, productivity and presentation.To do staff appraisals and be part of recruitment for Insomnia.To liaise with management regarding issues on the site.To prepare and organise stock takes on a weekly, monthly and quarterly basis and to liaise closely with the account department during the process.Perform any other functions that may be required by management from time to time.RequirementsWe are on the lookout for people with relevant managerial experience in a customer focused brand or a successful Assistant Manager or Supervisor awaiting your next step. You will be enthusiastic and outgoing. With full responsibility for the Store, including people development, brand delivery and financial success, the role is challenging, exciting and diverse.Previous coffee experience is an advantage but it’s all about having the right attitude to fulfil the Insomnia Philosophy.* At this time we do not require the assistance of recruitment agencies***

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