Industry Decarbonisation - Programme Manager (2 roles)

Industry Decarbonisation - Programme Manager (2 roles) - Industry Decarbonisation Accelerator Fund and Industry Network We have two exciting opportunities in the EXEED and Large Industry Energy Network (LIEN) Programmes in the Business Support Department. Within SEAI, the Business Supports Department develops, administers and manages a number of focussed energy programmes, designed to support a range of small to large businesses to implement energy efficiency and renewable approaches to deliver on the Climate Action Plan targets. The successful candidates will join an enthusiastic and innovative team who are committed to the high-quality delivery of SEAI’s supports to large energy users. These supports include the Large Industry Energy Network, and currently the Excellence in Energy Efficient Design (EXEED) programme. These two programmes are focussed on large industry and large energy users, driving and sharing best practices such as ISO 50001, I.S. 399, brokering knowledge through networking and special working groups, and supporting advanced investments in energy efficiency, decarbonisation and renewable energy.ResponsibilitiesResponsibilities specific to the Industry Decarbonisation Accelerator Fund Programme Manager role will include, but will not be limited to, the following:Lead and manage the Excellence in Energy Efficient Design (EXEED) Certified Programme and Grant Scheme including: Operational management and oversight of internal grant management processes including timely evaluation of grant applications,Project pipeline development and support,Development and delivery of annual business plans and budgets, Team and resource management, Ongoing reporting against KPIs, Develop and improve data management and dashboards,Risk management, Development of marketing and promotional material,Programme strategy development, Implement any approved scheme changes to the EXEED Certified Grant in 2024 and beyond, including a transition to align fully with I.S. 399: 2021.Responsibilities specific to the Industry Network Programme Manager role will include, but will not be limited to, the following:Lead the delivery, and further development, of the Large Industry Energy Network (LIEN) – an established network of approx. 200 largest energy users in Ireland – including:Lead the engagement of relationship managers, Develop annual deliverables, Collection of data and publication of annual review, Deliver targeted supports such as training, best practice, communities of practice, special working groups and knowledge sharing, Develop and expand enhanced decarbonisation partnership with leading LIEN members,Lead the Energy Auditing Scheme, which mandates large enterprises to conduct energy audits including updating the scheme and register of energy auditors in line with the updated Energy Efficiency Directive,Support implementation of changes to the Energy Auditing Scheme to reflect recast Energy Efficiency Directive (EU/2023/1791).Responsibilities specific to both roles will include, but will not be limited to, the following:Continue to develop and foster key relationships and partnerships including business representative bodies and enterprise agencies,Lead and support on Industry specific actions in the Climate Action Plan (2024 and other future iterations) and support the development of future actions appropriate to the sector,Lead any required research and analysis on barriers to energy efficiency and decarbonisation in the Industry sector to inform design of new solutions and supports,Support and develop analysis for the short and long term strategy for industrial decarbonisation support, including delivering detailed evaluation and business case development for funding opportunities including the Infrastructure, Climate and Nature Fund,Effective management of resources including:EXEED and LIEN staff, including performance management and development,Expert panels for the provision of technical assessments, supply chain and customer mentoring, and training in energy efficient design principles and certification requirements,Outsourced Business Process support,Support SEAI in providing key advice to DECC and other relevant government departments in the formulation, assessment and delivery of industrial development, decarbonisation, and regulatory measures,Play a key role as subject matter expert on a national level, inputting into national initiatives, working groups, standards, and guidance development,Work closely with SEAI colleagues across the Business, Public Sector and Transport Directorate and other Directorates to collaborate and share knowledge and approaches,Assist the Head of Business Support in ensuring that SEAI are effectively supporting large industry energy efficiency and renewable energy investments at scale in line with government objectives and targets,Monitor national and European-level policy changes (including potential State aid guidelines changes from 2023) and ensure EXEED and LIEN remains aligned, relevant and compliant.Essential RequirementsThe successful candidate must be able to demonstrate:Degree level (or greater) or equivalent professional qualification in engineering or in a relevant science or technical disciplineMinimum 6 years’ experience of working in this or a related sector or in a similar role (can include post-graduate studies)Experience in programme operations with a technical engineering bias and competencyExperience of project management and demonstrated ability to delegate and manage a teamStrong written and verbal communication skills, including report writing, presenting, public speakingDesirable Requirements Knowledge or experience of climate policy or energy management in industry, buildings or another relevant sector. A strong understanding of the challenges facing Irish businesses with respect to climate changeA strong knowledge of energy technologies in industry and energy systems such as hot water, steam, compressed air, electricity, and renewable technologies such as solar and heat pumpsEligibility to WorkThe SEAI has a legal obligation to ensure that all employees are lawfully entitled to work in Ireland. To qualify, candidates must hold a valid visa on the date of application and where applicable to support a candidate’s application, candidates must submit a valid work permit/visa confirming permission to work in Ireland when requested. Failure to submit the required evidence, and failure to hold a valid permit/visa during the period of the contract, will result in the application and/or contract of employment being rendered void. Note in respect of UK citizens: Information regarding the Common Travel Area is available here.#LI-Hybrid

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