Industrial Painter

****WE ARE HIRING***Role: Industrial PainterContract type: Permanent Fulltime, Fully OnsiteLocation: Robinson Distribution, Portnahinch (Portarlington), Co. Laois, Eircode: R32 CD40Purpose of the role: To shot blast and painting of chassis and sub-assemblies of various on-road, off-road trailers and crane.Responsibilities Include:·      Perform spray painting and shot blasting as required per job order.·      Manage,  maintain and take full ownership of their equipment·      Responsible for cleaning, blowing down and sealing parts for spray painting·      Comply with all Safety, Health, Environmental and other Company policies, procedures, requirements and maintain a clean working environment·      Assist the Production Team with keeping the line moving week to weekCore Skills and Experience required:·      Minimum of 3 Years’ experience in a similar role·      Experience of gantry and forklift driving, an advantage.Core competency requirements Include:·      Ability to work effectively on own initiative and as part of a wider team·      Strong attention to detail and ability to problem solve effectively and efficiently ·      Strong written and verbal communication skills·      Self motivated, can do attitude, self starterPackage:Competitive market rate salary, Bonus Overtime Life Assurance, Pension

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