Hygiene Manager

·Management of all aspects of hygiene including night hygiene, daytime amenities cleaning and other ad-hoc cleaning.·Ensure all aspects of the hygiene service are carried out and maintained to the required standard·Proactive in identifying cleaning requirements, reporting maintenance issues and dealing with all other requirements of the site’s senior management. ·To maintain detailed cleaning instructions and schedules for every hygiene activity that meet the requirements of the BRC food safety standard.·Manage the provision of hygiene chemicals and dosing equipment on site - to include regular reviews with chemical supplier, periodic chemical dosing checks, maintenance of equipment and to oversee the safe storage, decant, transport and use of chemicals on site.·Work with suppliers to obtain the most suitable and cost-effective equipment and consumables and to effectively manage supplier non-conformance in a timely manner. ·Support the Technical & QA team in investigations or projects to drive improvements in the site hygiene standards.·Provide training and awareness for all hygiene and waste handling staff in all procedures relevant to their role.·Ensure all hygiene and waste staff are trained and competent in all procedures relevant to their role.4am to 12am shifts

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