Hygiene Lead Operative

C & D Foods is one of Europe’s leading Own Label Pet food manufacturers producing a range of Wet and Dry Pet foods. C & D Foods has 7 production facilities across 6 Countries (Ireland, Denmark, Austria, Spain, The Netherlands and the UK) and 2 sales offices (Germany and Italy). Our Driffield site it located in East Yorkshire, and is one of the major producers of dry Petfood for the business.We are seeking a proactive and enthusiastic Lead Operative to work in our Hygiene department. Joining the C & D Foods Team gives each successful candidate the opportunity to grow within the company. The role offers full training, full PPE and unlimited spaces for development and progression.Reporting to the Assistant Quality Manager, this role will share the responsibility for the Food Safety & Quality Management Programme by helping to develop a Food Safety Culture within the business and advocating Hygiene Standards by adhering to, and monitoring procedures and practices, sustaining and improving standards and embracing change. Due to the complexity of our customer base, we are a highly audited site and therefore must be continually compliant with Customer Codes of Practice, Technical Policies and Standards in addition to maintaining our BRCGS Accreditation. The primary focus of the Hygiene Lead Operative will be to work within the Quality Department to strengthen the Food Safety Management System to ensure it encompasses and maintains all required standards as referenced above and ensure that the site is audit ready every day.Main Responsibilities are not limited to but will include: Maintain and review Cleaning Schedules as required to ensure compliance to the BRCGS Standard and Customer Codes of PracticeEnsure that Cleaning Schedules are completed as defined and authorised by the Hygiene OperatorEnsure that Cleaning Records are filed and maintained for Audits and VisitsIn liaison with External Service Providers, ensure that the appropriate chemicals are used, and cleaning methods are appropriate to the business. Maintain MSDS for all chemicals used on site.Ensure that all chemicals are stored safety and comply with current legislation.Work with the Shift Managers and Operators to resolve hygiene, food safety and quality-related issues.Ensure adherence to all housekeeping standards to maintain a food safe working environment.Ensure adherence to all quality procedures to maintain a food safe product to manufacturing standards.Ensure that the Environmental Monitoring Programme is completed to the specified schedule, trend results and report out of specification results to the Quality Manager or Assistant Quality Manager.Ensure that the team are competently trained and continually developed to the required standards.Key Competencies:·            Ability to lead and engage a team.·            Strong background in Hygiene Standards·            Food Safety Level 2 ·            COSHH Training and Chemical Awareness·            Experience of BRCGS Standards and Customer Codes of Practice·            Knowledge of HACCP Level 2·            Self-motivated with initiative to work individually or part of a team.·            Attention to detail and excellent interpersonal skills.·            Proactive with good time management skills

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