Hygiene Cleaner Nights

The Role- Adhere to company rules, procedures and standards Ensure clear lines of communications with colleagues and team leader/supervisor Assist in the continuous improvement of Hygiene Ensuring all the equipment in the factory (machinery, belts, ect) are cleaned to the high standard – full training and PPE will be providedReport to the supervisor any accidents or incidentsReporting to the supervisor or Manager of the area concerned any maintenance requirements The post holder has a responsibility for ensuring safety in the workplace and in this respect ensuring compliance with all instructions relating to the use and storage of materials/equipment necessary for the performance of his tasks. Carry out other duties requested by his supervisor or manager To adhere to Company Health and Safety policies Attend meetings as and when required Knowledge/skills Previous night shift working is desirablePrevious experience working with cleaning chemicals is desirableThe role required self-motivated, enthusiastic individual who is able to work on his own initiative as well as being part of the team Have a flexible attitude to working hours Positive – can do – attitude  Undertake any training offered Basic level of English Hours of work-TBCSalary-TBC

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