HVAC Validation Role (Dun Laoghaire)

Hanley Validation are looking for a Validation Technician to work within a Blue Chip Company with a progressive company that ensure you are more then just a number. Experience in Media Fill/HVAC space is beneficial.  Role Includes:Competitive SalaryGuaranteed Annual Performance BonusVHI Healthcare CoverLife AssurancePension ContributionHuge Opportunities for career progression The role duties would include but not be limited to:Develop, review and approve validation plans, protocols, discrepancies summary reports in the area of sterilization validation.Provide support for airflow visualisation studies and HVAC requalification program.Provide support for the execution of cycle development, performance qualifications and requalification program in line with projects and site validation masterplans.Collate and report on relevant validation data and metrics.Assist in the development and improvements of the validation lifecycle process while ensuring continued compliance to all applicable regulations and Amgen standards. In addition, provide input and guidance into multisite and local procedural requirements.Execution/Compilation of the packPack delivered to all reviewers post execution (val, system owner, QA) and closeout of any commentsReport approvalGeneration of continuing qualification protocols for the scheduled systems in accordance with site procedures.Utilise the client’s protocols & execute all relevant sections, inclusive of mapping sections in addition to remainder of protocol in accordance with site procedures.Highlight any issues in a timely fashion.Provide Final Reports Qualifications, Knowledge and Experience:Bachelor of Science/Engineering degree or equivalent.Knowledge of cGMP’s and other worldwide regulatory requirements.Problem solving ability and excellent oral and written communications skills3+ years’ experience in a similar role Key Behaviours:Takes pride in delivery of a quality service.Takes personal accountability, ownership and action to do the right thing.Learns about customer’s challenges, goals and drivers and articulates broad view on how Hanley Calibration solutions can address opportunities.

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