HV Operations Manager

ABOUT THE ROLE: In this newly created opportunity you will be instrumental within our ICP (Independent Connection Provider) business line, managing the planning, execution, and maintenance of HV (High Voltage) infrastructure projects. This key role is essential for the expansion of EV (Electric Vehicle) charging networks, as well as battery storage and solar, contributing to the evolution of a cleaner and more sustainable transportation landscape across the UK. This key management opportunity welcomes candidates located within commuting distance of one of our offices in Hamilton, Milton Keynes or Loughborough, where you will enjoy a flexible hybrid working pattern, however we are also open to remote working arrangements for exceptional candidates based across the UK.    WHAT YOU'LL DO: Operations Management: Manage a team of SAPs, ICP project managers and street-works to deliver end-to-end project management services for HV infrastructure projects Budget Management: Develop and manage budgets for HV infrastructure projects, monitor costs (P&L) and implement control measures to ensure financial objectives are met Site Identification and Feasibility: Identify suitable locations for HV infrastructure projects, considering technical feasibility and stakeholder requirements Technical Oversight: Collaborate with technical teams to ensure HV infrastructure designs meet industry standards and specifications, ensuring optimal performance and reliability Regulatory Compliance: Responsible for maintaining NERS accreditation, updating procedures, documents and policies as required Stakeholder Engagement: Ensure effective communications are maintained with DNOs, IDNOs as well as internal relationships with delivery teams HSEQ: Work closely with HSEQ teams, implementing processes to make certain that projects are delivered safely and to TSG UK's high quality standards  INTERESTED? The following skills & competencies will set you up for success:   Proven experience in operations management, particularly in the deployment of HV infrastructure projects Knowledge of NRSWA requirements (New Roads and Street Works Act) In-depth knowledge of HV electrical systems and grid integration (EV charging technology is a plus!) Deep understanding of UK electrical regulations and standards governing HV infrastructure Practical knowledge and understanding of policies and procedures regarding HSEQ, including Model Distribution Safety Rules, ESQCR (Electricity, Safety, Quality & Continuity Regulations) and the Electricity at Work Regulations. Excellent communication, negotiation, and relationship-building skills  Looking for the next step up in your career? If you have an HV / ICP background and are already in a project or contracts management role, then this is the perfect opportunity for you! Apply now, or contact justin.marsden@tsg-solutions.com if you would like to have an initial confidential chat.TSG UK Hybrid Working Policy: TSG UK is pleased to offer a flexible hybrid work pattern for the majority of our working community. We feel this encourages the best engagement and collaboration with your team and co-workers, while allowing you to enjoy a work life balance based on your own needs and preferences. Unless otherwise stated, our flexible work arrangement will request you to be based for a minimum of two days a week in one of our main office locations in Milton Keynes, Hamilton or Loughborough. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; our commitment to DEI: TSG is an equal opportunity employer. We are committed to the equal treatment of all current and prospective employees and do not condone discrimination based on age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, pregnancy and maternity, race or ethnicity, religion or belief, gender identity, or marriage and civil partnership. We recognise the value that a diverse and inclusive workforce brings to our business and customers, and we strongly encourage suitably qualified applicants from a wide range of backgrounds to join us at TSG. 

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