HV Jointer

Overall Role Objective The High Voltage Cable Jointer who will be working on electrical projects for Suir Engineering and will involve projects ranging from 10KV through to 220kV.It will involve working in a team to achieve delivery of projects on time whilst adhering to all safety regulations, quality standards and project specifications. The role reports directly to the Project Manager. You should have a high regard for safety. A clean driving licence and flexible approach to working hours travel and work location is a must.  What will you be doing?·        The installation of Joints and Terminations on a wide range of electricity cables from 10KV to 220KV.·        Replacing Magnefix and Mini Pillars·        Be responsible for overseeing the cable pulling operation (in duct banks, direct buried, or on trays or other).·        Install, join, splice, and terminate underground high-voltage power cable systems for field installations in accordance with defined procedures.·        Install, join, splice, and terminate high-voltage power cable systems for qualification testing purposes according to national and international standards and specifications.·        Grounding of cables and installing components such as fiber optics on overhead structures or manholes or in GIS buildings.·        Perform cable system installations in a team environment.·        Safely operate and keep clean any piece of equipment necessary for installation.·        Read, comprehend and execute processes and procedures according to the Standard Work Instructions (SWIs)/Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) which are necessary to properly operate the equipment.·        Perform work at zero-fault quality.·        Maintain a clean and safe work environment.·        Participate in continuous improvement activities.·        Maintain and develop competence level and technical skills to ensure delivery to high standards.·        Attend training as required to maintain knowledge and application of systems and procedures.·        Deliver scheduled/unscheduled work to time and standard in accordance with instructions.·        Maintain awareness of Suir Engineering’s Health & Safety policy and rules and keep up to date on changes that impact your role.   Is this job for me?·        Electrical Craft Cert ·        Safe Pass ·        Manual Handling within last 3 years ·        First Aid Certificate up to date·        Experience on jointing a wide range of cables ·        Experience of PILC, XLPE and EPR cables·        Basic Electrical Safety·        Risk Assessment Training·        Numerate and good IT skills·        Full Driving Licence·        Cable jointing trained on minimum 10kV without supervision, higher voltages would be an advantage.·        Sound knowledge of H&S and Risk Assessment·        Self-motivated and customer focussed.·        Energetic and hard-working·        Flexible approach to travelling hours and work location. In return from Suir Engineering:   21 days annual leave Employee Wellbeing and Employee Assistance Programme SEO Rates, Lodge plus CWPS Pension, Sick pay and Life Assurance contributions Educational Assistance and upskilling opportunities Opportunities for international assignments to work on one of our European projects in Sweden, Denmark, or Germany.  Our way of working is called the Suir Way, designed to help us on a journey of continuous improvement. Our people are empowered to make changes to ensure a quality install through effective ways of working. Our people have a voice and feel empowered. We have an in-built culture of innovation, learning and continuous improvement. Value is delivered every step of the journey. Our efficient processes deliver value. We have a standard, consistent and fully integrated health, safety, environment, and quality system within the business.  Suir Engineering are an equal opportunities employer, we value our greatest asset …. our People. 

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