Human Resources Manager

Lidon Group has a vacancy for an experienced Human Resources Manager to support the continued development of our business through engagement, development and retention of our key resource, our people. This is an exciting opportunity to join an expanding business group operating in forecourt retail and motor industries. This is a senior leadership role and the successful candidate will be strategic and driven, with a minimum of 5 years HR management experience in a fast-paced hospitality or retail environment. The position entails full responsibility for Human Resource activities across the group, managing the array of business-critical HR functions as well as designing and implementing best in class HR policies and procedures.Leading the HR team, the role will deliver a balance of leading, doing and influencing, in close partnership with Group Management, Site & Brand Department Managers and business support functions. Key areas of responsibility Responsibility for the full HR life-cycle support; to include recruitment and employee on- boarding, employee relations, performance management, compensation & benefitsPartner with the Senior Management team and their functions to support and drive the people agenda and business strategy.Coach, mentor and guide managers in the areas of talent management, reward and compensation and performance management.Support sites to execute annual schedule of HR programs (Talent Management, compensation review, Performance Management process)Deliver a strong suite of HR support and services to the sites.Act as trusted consultant to line managers on all employee relations, grievance and disciplinary issues by providing a professional and credible HR service.Manage and provide advice on, conducting investigations, disciplinary and grievance meetings, ensuring fair procedure and compliance with legislation. Lead and facilitate mediation as required.Provide HR advice to Line Managers and employees throughout all stages of the employee life cycle, ensuring advice is legally compliant and in line with company policy & procedure.Conduct training audits across the site ensuring the site is audit ready in relation to all training requirements.Manage and enhance effectiveness of the HR digital system.Regular attendance on group sites to develop and maintain strong teams and relationships. Key attributes and qualificationsA dynamic and driven professional with excellent hands-on approach.Excellent communication and strong negotiation skills.Senior professional with a minimum of 10 years’ working experience in HR. 5 years plus experience in a busy retail or hospitality environment.3rd level qualification in Human Resource Management.Must have good working knowledge of current and imminent Irish employment legislation.An innovative and progressive leader with a desire to implement leading edge HR policies and procedures.Strong understanding of Employment Law.Ability to build relationships and influence at all levels of the business.Full clean driving licence. Benefits:Competitive package for the right candidateFlexible working arrangementsOn-site parking60% Food Discount on group sites  ***We do not require the assistance of recruitment agencies at this time***

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