Human Resources Executive

Midleton Park Hotel, part of the Talbot Collection, are currently recruiting for a Human Resources Executive to join our team. This is a full-time position, Monday-Friday. The successful candidate will be responsible for overseeing the day-to-day Human Resources activities of the hotel. The HR Executive will report to the General Manager and the Group Human Resources Manager. Midleton Park Hotel is certified as a Great Place to Work.  Main Duties:To oversee the day-to-day administrative duties of the Human Resources department; To encourage a culture of employee engagement through effective and transparent communication; effective people management and the implementation of ad hoc initiatives aimed at improving the working environment;Ensure that all employee queries are responded to in a timely manner;Advise, assist and support the Heads of Department in all aspects of managing their team to include but not limited to: recruitment, training, performance management, employee engagement, employee development & talent planning;Manage and monitor the recruitment process to include, advertising, screening, selection and onboarding,To ensure that all new employees are furnished with all necessary documentation and training prior to their commencement, making sure that all new team members have a positive, informed and professional onboarding experience;Ensure all employee files are maintained and kept up-to-date, ensuring compliance and endeavouring to have a paperless HR department;To ensure that the hotel is compliant with all statutory training requirements, arranging refresher training as necessary;To schedule and coordinate training as required;To advise, assist and support the Heads of Department in managing the disciplinary process, ensuring that all requirements are met with regards, to fair process, separation of process and time frames, liaising with the Group HR Manager as required;Ensure that any employee grievances are managed appropriately and as per company procedures, liaising with the Group HR Manager as required;To submit the weekly payroll submission to the payroll department each Monday;Ensure the effective implementation and delivery of any group-wide HR projects/initiatives in the hotel;Maintain open, regular, transparent and positive communication with HOD’s and the management team;Monitor and manage absenteeism in the hotel; The successful candidate will have:A qualification in Human Resources Management. A candidate studying to pursue same may be considered. Minimum 3 years' previous experience working in a HR role/within a HR department;Good knowledge of Irish employment law and best practice;Excellent attention to detail;Excellent interpersonal and organisational skills;Demonstrate excellent emotional intelligence;Excellent leadership and conflict management skills;Be organised and have the ability to manage multiple projects at a given time;Some of the benefits of joining the team:Midleton Park Hotel, part of the Talbot Collection, are Great Place to Work Certified - join a company and culture that put their team first.Contributory company pension scheme. (12 months service requirement);Company Life Insurance SchemeFree parkingStaff mealsEmployee Assistance ProgrammeTalbot Collection Friends and Family Rates on accommodationBike to WorkChristmas Savings SchemeTraining and Development Opportunities - we invest in our peopleBeing part of a progressive & growing company. If you would like to find out more about the role or have any queries before applying, please email Natalie Power, Group Human Resources Manager at  Midleton Park Hotel, part of the Talbot Collection, is an equal opportunities employer. 

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