ISO Internal Auditor

Reporting to: HSQE Systems Manager & Contracts Director Location:  Based at our Head Office in Mallow, Co. Cork. Site visits to carry out internal audits covering all regional sites in Ireland will be required. At times this will include overnight stays.About the Role: The ISO Internal Auditor is responsible for ensuring compliance with ISO health and safety standards through the development, implementation, and management of internal audit processes. This role involves conducting internal audits, maintaining documentation, and supporting continuous improvement initiatives to uphold the highest standards of health and safety within the organisation. Duties & Responsibilities: Carrying out internal audits of the integrated management system in accordance with the internal audit schedule, assessing compliance with procedures and policies.Assisting HSQE Systems Manager in ensuring compliance in preparation for and during internal & external audits.Non-conformances raised during internal audits are closed out in a timely manner and a status report maintained.Preparing safety documentation such as, SOPs, legal registers, safety statements, emergency plans, site packs, manuals, risk assessments, policies, HSQE reports, and collaborating with necessary stakeholders to gather information.Company safety procedures and policies management, ensuring consistency and compliance across all company sites.Coordinating the approval of suppliers and contractors and updating our ERP with relevant documentation.Coordinating customer surveys and supplier reviews.Preparing monthly WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) reports.Liaising with and providing support to employees regarding all aspects of the integrated management system. Competency Requirements:ISO 9001, 14001 and 45001 internal audit qualifications or working towards.Third level qualification in health, safety, quality and environment; and / or 3 years relevant experience.Strong technical writing and communication skills required here.Previous experience with an ERP or software system and competency with control of documentation. If you wish to discuss the role in confidence, why not get in touch? Email or call 02231200.About the CompanySince 1968, we have grown from a modest electrical and pumping services business and developed into an innovative, internationally exporting product and service provider, now focused upon the water, wastewater and clean technology sectors, operating across the Republic of Ireland, the UK and Northern Europe.We are an international water infrastructure specialist, one of the few genuine end-to-end service providers in the global water sector, providing large scale employment, bringing market leading and ground breaking technologies to Ireland and working to improve the country's water infrastructure.Our vision is to be the best and most rewarding place to work for our teams, to be our customer’s outstanding partner of choice and we are committed to being a Net Zero, sustainable business.EPS GROUP IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES EMPLOYER

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