HSQE Graduate

About the RoleThe HSQE Graduate supports the development, implementation, and maintenance of HSQE programs within EPS Group. This role involves administrative tasks, record-keeping, and assisting with compliance and training initiatives to ensure a safe working environment. You would be executing the following duties with a focus on the coordination of the day-to-day operations of our HSQE department:ResponsibilitiesPreparing and coordinating the monthly HSQE schedule, collaborating with HSQE officers and site supervisors / agents on a weekly basis.Reviewing, issuing and tracking the successful closure of HSQE site inspection reports and associated non-conformances. This may include arranging meetings with site personnel as required.Managing the lone working app.Managing toolbox talks.Managing equipment calibration and maintenance schedules.Extracting and gathering data from; non-conformances, lone working, site inspection reports, toolbox talks etc. to include in monthly HSQE reports.Completing and coordinating all aspects of new employee inductions.Preparing tender submissions.Arranging HSQE monitoring such as noise / air monitoring as required. Qualifications A degree in Occupational Health and Safety, Environmental Science, or a related field is a requirement, or working towards a qualification in Health & Safety.Previous experience in health and safety is a plus.Knowledge of health and safety regulations and best practices.Required SkillsGood technical writing skillsStrong organisational and record-keeping skills.Excellent communication and interpersonal skills along with technical writing skills.Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite.Presentation SkillsLocationThis position is primarily office-based in our head office in Mallow, Co. Cork but may require occasional visits to various company locations in Ireland.About the Company:Since 1968, we have grown from a modest electrical and pumping services business and developed into an innovative, internationally exporting product and service provider, now focused upon the water, wastewater, and clean technology sectors, operating across the Republic of Ireland, the UK, and Northern Europe.We are an international water infrastructure specialist, one of the few genuine end-to-end service providers in the global water sector, providing large scale employment, bringing market-leading and groundbreaking technologies to Ireland and working to improve the country's water infrastructure.Our vision is to be the best and most rewarding place to work for our teams, to be our customer's outstanding partner of choice and we are committed to being a Net Zero, sustainable business.If you wish to discuss the role in confidence, why not get in touch? Email jobs@epswater.com or call 02231200.Equal Opportunity Statement:EPS GROUP IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES EMPLOYER

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