HR Specialist | Childcare

The role of HR is to support and manage the end-to-end journey of our employees, who are our greatest asset. Our aim is to continue to implement and improve HR initiatives and processes that promote employee engagement, productivity, and retention, ultimately benefiting the business.JOB DESCRIPTIONThe key function of the HR Specialist role in Little Harvard is to provide support to our managers and staff, providing a high-quality service that is efficient, timely and expert. The business and therefore the HR function are undergoing huge expansion, so we require someone with a flexible and change adept approach.  It is a varied and interesting role with broad scope and an opportunity to develop further. Key tasks:HR Partner to the business and the Creche Managers in all aspects:v Recruitment and selectionv Performance Managementv Talent Managementv Learning and Development v Support engagement and retention strategies.v Investigations and Disciplinariesv Policies and Proceduresv Support POE with HR metrics. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION REQUIRED | CIPD qualified with 5+ years experience ESSENTIAL SKILLS1.      Broad knowledge of HR, policies and procedures, employee relations2.      Experience in high volume recruitment campaigns.3.      Previous experience of HR systems.4.      Previous experience of managing internal investigations with logic and practicality.  5.      Proactive, energetic, flexible, innovative, enthusiastic6.      Super organised with the ability to prioritise.7.      Able to work collaboratively but be okay with managing own workload.8.      Excellent interpersonal and communication skills9.      Resilient and positive attitude to work HOURS OF WORK | Monday to Friday, 9-5pm (some out of hours recruitment and staff engagement events will be required)LOCATION | Kilmacanogue, Bray, Co WicklowSALARY RANGE | DOE&EBENEFITSCompany Employee Assistance ProgrammeDiscounted private health insuranceBonus loyalty daysCareer advancement opportunitiesContinuous Professional Development

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