HR Operations Manager

HR Operations ManagerOpen to location ( Ideally Yorkshire ) - Hybrid workingPermanent, full timeCompetitive salary plus benefits At Adler and Allan, we are passionate about driving business growth and transformation. As the HR Operations Manager, you will play a pivotal role in supporting our ambitious goals by implementing effective systems, harnessing the power of data, and leading transformative initiatives. This is a chance to make a significant impact on our organisation's success. You will have the opportunity to shape and optimise our HR operations, ensuring seamless processes and driving efficiency across the entire employee lifecycle. The role will also have the opportunity to lead transformative initiatives that will shape the future of our organisation. Key responsibilities will include overseeing our current HRIS and longer term the implementation of a new HRIS, managing employee data and analytics, and executing strategies to enhance employee engagement and retention. We are looking for someone who thrives in a fast-paced environment, has a strong analytical mindset, and possesses exceptional project management skills. Managing a small team, and reporting directly to our HR Director, this truly is a fantastic opportunity for someone!More about the role:Develop and implement HR policies and procedures in alignment with organisational goals and legal requirements.Oversee the end-to-end HR operations process, including recruitment, onboarding, employee records management, payroll, benefits administration, and offboarding.Collaborate with cross-functional teams to drive HR process improvements and automation, leveraging technology to enhance efficiency, accuracy and enhance employee self-service capabilities.Collaborate with HR Business Partners and other key stakeholders to ensure seamless integration and alignment of HR services with business needs and objectives.Monitor and analyse HR metrics to identify trends, address issues, and provide strategic insights to senior management.About you:You will bring along your fabulous experience in a leadership role within HR Operations/Shared Services, with a strong understanding of HR operational processes and best practices alongside knowledge of employment legislation, HR policies, and industry trends. You will have the ability to lead and develop a high-performing team, fostering a culture of accountability, collaboration, and continuous improvement, being a true role model yourself!Another strong skill you will have is the ability to run Projects, with the ability to prioritise/manage multiple deadlines and deliverables alongside Implementing and optimising HR systems and technologies - all whilst wearing your Data hat as this is an area we really love and want to build out.If you are a passionate and driven HR professional with a proven track record in driving business growth through effective HR operations, we want to hear from you! Don't miss this chance to join Adler and Allan and contribute to our exciting journey of transformation. About Us: At Adler and Allan Group, we're not just a company – we're environmental champions committed to protecting our planet while helping businesses thrive. We're a diverse, dynamic team dedicated to providing top-tier environmental, energy and water infrastructure services across the UK. Our mission is clear: safeguarding the environment, minimising operational disruptions, and supporting sustainability goals for our valued clients.

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