HR Manager

A fantastic opportunity has arisen for a passionate Human Resources Manager at The Royal Marine Hotel. The ideal candidate will be proactive in finding new ways to assist employee professional development pathways, increase employee well-being and engagement and improve the over all HRM within the hotel. In this role you will work very closely with the General Manager and will have the ability to make this role your own. The hotel also has an experienced full-time assistant Hr manager. Please note this is a part time role ( 24 hours per week ), Flexible working hours available.  Main responsibilities:Manage the recruitment & selection process.Implement HR strategies & initiatives that are aligned with the business culture and strategy.Assess training needs, modify and implement as required in line with relevant needs of the business.Deliver training as required.Maintain personnel records on the hotel HR & payroll systems.Lead the legal compliance.Proactively manage IR and ER issuesCoach, support and mentor the managers & team in the application of HR policies and practices.Shape and grow organisational culture further in areas of talent, wellbeing, engagement, diversity & inclusion by bringing in external thinking and new developments, to ensure practices and policies are current, innovative and services are best in class.Manage Payroll through the Alkimii system; and monitor the payroll budget on a regular basis.Responsible for developing, monitoring, implementing, and reporting on HR issues and planning for all divisions to include opportunities, talent acquisition and development plans within agreed formats and timescales.  The candidates will have the following experience.Previous experience as a Human Resources Manager (2-3 years) in a hotel or related industryStong experience in hospitality operationsDegree in Human Resources Manager or Employment Law with CIPD membershipKnowledge of Health and Safety Legislation would be desirable.Experience in Human Resources best practice and excellent knowledge of employment law.Excellent time management and administration skillsIn return, we offer excellent employee benefits including:Length of Service RewardsInternal Training RewardsUpselling & Other Departmental RewardsDiscounted Spa treatmentsEducational Assistance – for Hospitality & other professional coursesOn-site Gym and poolBike to work scheme & other commuter plansMeals during shifts Free on site tea/coffee Free parkingHealthy Snacks Staff Discounts on accommodation in our Sister PropertiesOpportunities for advancement & Career DevelopmentAchievers of the Year Leaders of the Quarter Achievers of the MonthEmployee Referral BonusComplimentary Golf Team & Departmental Rewards  Hotel Facilities228 well appointed Bedrooms12 Dedicated Meeting Rooms set in the original Victorian Building which have been meticulously restoredThe Carlisle seating up to 500 delegatesBay Lounge, ornate yet entrenched in history in a perfect setting ideal for afternoon teaHardys Bar incorporating a modern design serving a trendy menuDún Bistro featuring a mix of both modern and period design featuring a European menuPier Health Club with an 18 metre pool and a cardiovascular exercise facility with state of the art equipment. Our luxurious SansanaSpa which has nine treatment rooms including a Razul Chamber, a Hydrotherapy Bath and Dry Flotation RoomThe Team at the Royal Marine is exciting and extremely dynamic; and always working at developing a continuously growing business and a vibrant Hotel.

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