HR Generalist

Due to continued expansion and growth our clients are currently looking for a HR Generalist to join their Longford team based at their Edgeworthstown site. With the recently announced €48 million expansion to their site in Edgeworthstown, there is huge potential for the right candidate to develop within the company.Job Overview:Reporting to the sites HR Manager and working closely alongside the sites leadership team, the HR Generalist will be involved in HR policies, recruitment, employee engagement and much more. This is a busy role where no two days are ever the same.Key Relationships:HR ManagerGroup Talent Manager and TeamGeneral ManagerEngineering ManagerProduction ManagerQuality ManagerSupply Chain ManagerFinancial ControllerPayroll OfficersKey Responsibilities:Support the People Management Process including recruitment, onboarding, new starters, leavers, and contract administration.Ensure data accuracy and manage the HR Information System and databases and analysis reports and metrics on all aspects of the HR function.Work closely with the HR Manager in performance management and talent management to ensure effective communication and adopt best practice for company success.Draft and post job adverts, screen CVs, conduct initial interviews, and assist in recruitment and selection processes.Report HR-related employee queries to the HR Manager and arrange on-site meetings, as necessary.Process administrative tasks related to recruitment and selection, including job requisitions, interview schedules, medicals, and reference checks.Keep job descriptions/job specifications updated and support internal interviewing processes.Monitor short-term and long-term absences, taking appropriate action to manage improvement.Ensure compliance with employment laws and company policies.Embed our clients Foods Core Values and promote our growth culture.Lead and design the wellbeing calendar, support in organising events and drive focus on wellbeing and welfare in the business.Support the HR Manager as and when requested.Qualifications / Requirements:HR Degree or CIPD qualification.Minimum of 2 years of HR experience in a fast-paced environment.IT Proficient and a “can-do” attitude.Responsive, proactive, solution-oriented and innovative with a passion for continuous improvement.Excellent communication skills both written and verbal.Strong attention to detail

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