HR Generalist Centric Health

HR Generalist The HR Generalist will support all aspects of the Human Resources function while contributing to the overall achievement of the business goals here at Centric Health, Ireland's largest Primary Care Organisation.Specific Job Details: Location: RSA House, 7th Floor, Sandyford Road, Dundrum, Dublin 16Contract: Permanent Full-TimeWorking Hours: 37.5 WeeklyWork Pattern: 9.00 am – 5.30 pm Monday - Friday HybridSalary Range: Competitive            Benefits of working with Centric Health:Pension: The company will match a 5% employee contribution monthly.Access to our Employee Assistance Programme to speak to an independent trusted advisor regarding any personal issues or challenges. Sick Leave: Upon completion of your probation, the Company will pay a basic salary totalling a maximum of 2 weeks of your contracted hours.GP Visits:  All Centric employees plus immediate family are eligible for discounted GP visits, in our Centric Health Practices.Indemnity: Indemnity is covered under the Company’s policy.Birthday Day OffMaternity LeavePaternity LeaveFlexible workingLocation Link: Position Requirements:·      Relevant third-level qualification in HR or related discipline·      CIPD qualification an advantage·      2-4 years experience within a professional HR environment in Ireland post graduation·      Knowledge of Irish current employment legislation·      Proven organisational and time management skills·      Enthusiastic with a strong work ethic·      Experience working in a fast-paced environment·      High level of computer literacy including comprehensive working knowledge of Microsoft Office·      Softworks HR knowledge and experience·      Proficient in multi-tasking and working to tight deadlines·      Excellent verbal / written communication skills·      Strong interpersonal skills·      Capable of working independently with limited supervision  Key Responsibilities: ·    Act as a partner and HR subject matter expert for the Primary Care team on all people-related matters.·    Act as an HR Partner for Centric Mental Health on all people and payroll matters.·    Partner with the Primary Care Regional Operations Managers on all people-related matters.·   Advise the Primary Care management team on HR matters including but not limited to employee relations matters and employment legislation. Liaise with IBEC and external legal as necessary.·    Assist in the Recruitment & Selection process for all employees (participating in interviews, reference checking, issuing of contracts, and all new hire paperwork)·    Assist management on probation review and annual appraisal processes. ·   Ensure Softworks is fully utilised and be able to operate the system for HR tasks, work with your colleagues to identify system fixes and improvements and troubleshoot basic queries from managers and employees about the system.  ·      Ensure Softworks is utilised for all reporting and metrics.·      Participate in the rolling schedule for employee support on the Softworks support email address.·      Onboard new starters and off-board leavers·      Design and deliver training programmes for managers and employees in conjunction with Primary Care training and development strategy.·      Support management with HR/performance issues·      Support the Centric Health structure and ethos to Champion and ensure adherence to the Centric Health culture and values.·      Participate in HR projects as required·      To undertake required CPD and keep up to date on HR & legal issues Other Duties: ·      As deemed appropriate by the Human Resources DirectorOrganisational Relationships:·      Day-to-day reporting to HR Business Partners Centric Health is an equal-opportunity employer committed to a diverse and inclusive workforce.

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