HR Generalist

Join Our Team and Make a Difference at Mater Private Hospital!Do you thrive in a fast-paced healthcare environment where your contributions directly impact patient well-being? Are you a passionate HR professional seeking a challenge and the opportunity to make a real difference?Mater Private Network, a leading name in Irish healthcare, is seeking a talented Human Resource Generalist to join our growing team in Dublin.Why Choose Mater Private Hospital?Make a Real Impact: Be part of a team dedicated to providing exceptional patient care. Your HR expertise will directly contribute to creating a positive work environment that attracts and retains top talent, ultimately benefiting our patients.Growth and Development: Join a dynamic and collaborative HR team where you'll have the opportunity to learn, grow, and develop your skills.Work-Life Balance: We are committed to supporting a healthy work-life balance for our staff.Rewarding Career: We offer a competitive salary and benefits package to recognise and reward your contributions.About the Role:In this role, you will play a pivotal role in delivering a best-in-class HR experience across the hospital network. You will be responsible for a wide range of activities, including:HR Strategy & Leadership: Responsible for the administration of the hospital TMS system, leave management, HR data management, and consultant file maintenance.HR Service Delivery: Providing expert HR guidance to line managers, coaching and mentoring them on HR issues, and supporting talent management initiatives.HR Administration: Ensuring compliance with internal guidelines, maintaining employee records, and assisting with JCI compliance projects.Training: Coordinating mandatory training for new colleagues and providing administrative support for the annual training plan.HR Insights: Analysing HR data and recommending solutions that support the hospital culture and HR strategy.You are a great fit if you have:A degree in HR or a related field (desirable)Membership of the CIPD (desirable)Demonstrated experience in HR best practicesExceptional organisational and administrative skillsStrong understanding of time and attendance systemsExcellent analytical and communication skillsAbility to work independently and collaborativelyBenefits:Competitive salary and benefits packageOpportunity to work in a fast-paced and dynamic environmentBe part of a team dedicated to providing exceptional patient careSupportive work-life balanceMATER PRIVATE NETWORK IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES EMPLOYER

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