HR Co-Ordinator

The Merrion is one of Dublin’s finest luxury hotels and a member of Leading Hotels of the World. We are also proud to be a certified Great Place to Work.  We are recruiting for a HR Co-Ordinator to join our Human Resources Team in a fully on-site role. Reporting to the Director of Human Resources and working as one of a HR & Training team of four, the co-ordinator will:  ·       Welcome all new employees and placement students, carry out onboarding processes ·       Manage incoming queries to HR, re directing them or answering where appropriate·       Update TMS and Mapal (L&D) with all HR related information·       Deliver part of our hotel induction training ·       Assist with recruitment - reference checking, issuing job offers ·       Carry out much of the administration for the department·       Link in with payroll on payment queries ·       Coordinate certain employee benefits ·       Track and maintain a current employment permit and IRP database The successful candidate will have previous experience in Human Resources, a passion for working with people, have excellent verbal and written English proficiency, with the ability to multi-task, and can work with a sense of urgency.  Our belief is that the success of The Merrion Hotel depends on the commitment of each and every member of our Team. The hospitality & service we provide to our guests must be the very best at all times, and in recognition of this, you will enjoy a broad range of benefits, including multiple employee reward initiatives, funded social events, complimentary uniforms and uniform cleaning, complimentary meals on duty, access to subsidised VHI care, access to our pension scheme, free wellness and mental health care via the EAP, employee discounts, tax saver tickets, access to the Bike to Work scheme and discounted parking at St Stephen’s Green.  The successful candidate will have the following –   Previous experience in Human Resources and administration, preferably in the hospitality industryExcellent communication, interpersonal and administration skillsProven track record of meeting and exceeding high standardsStrong IT skillsEnjoy constant interaction with people  This role is for 32 – 39 hour per week. There is no option to work offsite, all hours are based at the hotel in Dublin 2.

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