HR Assistant

Maternity Leave Fixed Term ContractThe HR assistant role will primarily support the HR function in the areas of administration, learning and development, recruitment and compliance activities. We are looking for someone who possesses excellent organisational and interpersonal skills, the ability to prioritise their workload and someone who can communicate effectively. Previous hotel experience would be a distrinct advantage. Responsibilities:Dealing with and ensuring confidentiality at all times with HR correspondence and information.Recruitment support including posting job ads online, candidate screening, interview scheduling, administration filing, reference checking, preparation of employee contracts and starter pack etc..To maintain accurate and professional records i.e. employee files and the HR filing system;All administration duties in relation to new starts & leaversUpdating and maintenance of all employee files and the HR filing system;Processing and completion of all forms, updating systems with relevant informationManagement of uniform process, ordering, issuing & stock take.Ensuring Work permits are in orderFacilitate induction training for all new startsMaintenance of HR Systems i.e. Time and Attendance, Recruitment, etc.Updating and maintenance of Training records. Keep up to date with all employment law/legislation.Assisting with employee relation issues incl. disciplinary and grievanceCompany employee communications.Delivery of a high quality efficient HR service to the wider teams on a vast range of policies and procedures.Prioritise work and ensure commitments are met on time in line with deadlines, goals & objectives.Identify opportunities for continual improvement in our service delivery and to increase stakeholder satisfaction.Change, adaptability and flexibility are key responsibility areas of this evolving role. Requirements for the RoleExcellent interpersonal and communication skills, creative problem-solving skills and the ability to prioritise workload2 years in a HR role, previous Hotel experience a strong advantageStrong understanding of employment law and related legislation.Proactive by nature and a self-starter. Strong administration experience.Attention to detail carrying out key tasks.3rd level qualification is desired for not essential.Experience in driving employee engagement. Excellent organisational skills/time managementExperience in a wide variety of office applications/software packagesCIPD qualification desirable but not essential 

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