HR Assistant - Maxim FM

HR Assistant - Maxim FMMaxim FM are looking to recruit an enthusiastic individual to become a part of our People Team. This vacancy is based out of our head office in Sunderland (SR5). As a business, Maxim specialise in a wide range of cleaning services operating throughout England and Scotland. This role is ideal for someone just starting their HR career or studying for CIPD level 3. Some experience in HR is preferred but not essential.Job Responsibilities and Duties:TUPE administration and ELI completionDBS application and managementResponsible for the administration of applicantsNote takingHR administrationResponsible for DVLA quarterly checksResponsible for personnel filesEmployee references according to company guidelinesSupport the coordination of training coursesManaging the HR Inbox.Candidate Requirements:Problem-solving abilityComfortable/proficient using MS Office – Word, Excel & PowerPoint essentialExcellent interpersonal skillsCommunication skills with patience for non-native English speakersNumerical skillsAdaptable to a changing environment.Working hours are 9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday.We do endeavour to get back to all applicants but this is not always possible due to the volume of applicants we receive.

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