HR Advisor - Buckie

Role: HR Advisor     Reporting to: HR Support ManagerAttendance Pattern: Monday to Friday between 09.00 – 17.00 but flexibility will be expected to ensure the needs of the job are metRemuneration: Salary and benefits are to be negotiable depending on entry-level qualifications and/or experience.Job Overview:Due to the growth of our business, we require an HR Advisor, based at our Buckie site, to join the Group HR team. Reporting to the HR Support Manager you will provide support, advice and guidance to department managers and staff on a wide range of HR issues. You will assume a lead role for some HR projects and tasks while supporting your manager in others. We are committed to supporting the integration of the successful candidate into our business but in respect of your HR input, you will be expected to “hit the ground running” for most elements of the job. The main Responsibilities of the Role are:·                Assist the HR Support Manager to ensure consistent application of people processes across the group.·                Assist with Internal Communications across the business.·                Ensure the compilation of HR statistics on a weekly/monthly basis is complete and circulated as required.·                Ensure effective onboarding is delivered to all new employees.·                Effective case management of all people-related issues including, disciplinary and grievance, performance, and absence management.·                Maintenance of employee files/records, ensuring they are audit ready.·                Develop effective relationships across the organisation. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, and EXPERIENCE: ·       Coaching style·       Team player with a flexible approach·       Excellent communicator with the ability to influence stakeholders at all levels·       Sound understanding of current employment legislation, including ETI compliance issues·       Ability to understand and analyse data to facilitate informed decision making·       CIPD (Qualified or Studying), or Significant HR experience·       Strong organisational skills·       Well-developed IT skills If you have any questions please email, and if you wish to be considered for this position, please attach your CV and state why you are interested and the value will you bring to the business.   

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