HR Advisor

Are you a HR Professional looking to further your career? We are currently inviting applications for the position of HR Advisor, available on a full-time, permanent basis at our headquarters in Cork.Rockwell is a well-established mechanical engineering company with over forty years of experience. We specialise in the design, fabrication, installation, and maintenance of HVAC and utility pipework for large-scale biopharma facilities in Ireland and beyond. As we enter a growth phase, we continue to build on our legacy of excellence.Joining our HR team at Rockwell means being part of a supportive environment that fosters growth and values meaningful contributions. We seek a passionate individual who will align with our core values and actively support key HR projects.Duties and Responsibilities: Coordinate and facilitate training programs to enhance employee skills and development. Work with managers to identify training needs and opportunities for career growth.Assist in implementing performance management processes, including goal setting, performance reviews, and feedback sessions. Support managers in addressing performance issues and developing improvement plans.Assist in the administration of employee reward, bonus, and incentive schemes. Conduct salary benchmarking and analyse market data to ensure competitive compensation practices.Stay updated on employment laws and ensure compliance with company policies. Assist in drafting and updating HR policies and procedures.Serve as a point of contact for employee queries, concerns, and conflicts. Facilitate effective communication between employees and management to promote a positive work environment.Collect and analyse HR data to generate insights and support decision-making. Prepare HR reports and dashboards on key metrics like turnover rates and recruitment statistics.Develop strategies and initiatives to enhance employee engagement and retention. Support leadership training programs and identify employees with leadership potential for future promotion.Collaborate closely with Talent Acquisition to support growth hiring initiatives and provide assistance as needed.Essential Qualifications, Knowledge and Skills Experience:HR qualification essential with a minimum of three years of relevant HR experience.Experience in employee engagement initiatives is required.Proficient in technology and Microsoft Office products.Excellent written and verbal communication skills.Ability to work independently and effectively within a team.Strong work ethic with a positive, proactive attitude.Why join Rockwell?We provide a competitive salary that reflects your experience and qualifications. You will also have the chance to work in a vibrant and supportive setting, collaborating with experts in the field and making a positive impact on the environment. Our company prioritises work-life balance and supports your professional growth through training opportunities. Rockwell is an equal opportunities employer

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